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Tom Moore, yeah! [chuckles] Yeah! Let's see, oh well he can't hear me. 'Looked up and see how close the wall was to me, it ain't goin' out there... - Mance Lipscomb, intro to Tom Moore Blues, Live At The Cabale

Results for Furry Lewis
Subject Started by Replies Views
16-Bar BluesJohnm4916853
Adventures in EAEGBE tuninguncle bud4211441
Adventures in Spanishfrankie12032388
Banjo on guitaruncle bud298537
Blues Forms and Vocal PhrasingJohnm8020834
Finessing the F chordJohnm82048
Frank Stokes Online Memorialmtzionmemorialfund31505
Furry LewisSpikeDriver32533
Furry Lewis "I will turn your money green"ryan32194
Furry Lewis - "Dry Land Blues" alt takeCF81087
Furry Lewis Guitar Keys and Positions, prewar and postwar recordingsuncle bud4512405
Furry Lewis guitar on eBayBunker Hill165421
Furry Lewis Lyricsfrankie14634796
Furry Lewis on Fat Possum, FP80374-2Johnm12756
Furry Lewis' Guitar Playing--Queries and Tips74452
Furry Lewis, Bukka White & Friends: Party! At Home-Arcola Records, A CD 1001Johnm53612
Furry Lewis, Bukka White & Friends: Party!Slack02705
Furry Lewis, Gus Cannon, Memphis Willie B. concert questionbanjochris31490
Joe Callicott & Furry Lewisblueshome196423
John HenryJohnm14037541
John Henry as a symbol of black resistance and protestjphauser559733
John Miller's DVDsBluesymel42499
Key To The Highway/8-Bar Blues7524010
Mandolin Bluesuncle bud13045099
Mistreatin mamaLaura9762
Movies w/ Blues or Blues related contentJohnm10419499
need help identifying a particular Furry Lewis version of John Henryjphauser61247
Players of slide, Vestapol and Spanish, on recordingsJohnm195391
Slide Players who Played Only Conventionally FrettedJohnm6779
Slide playinguncle bud4713178
Son BrimmerBunker Hill166947
Son House Lyricsuncle bud4212868
SOTM March 2019 - Kansas City BluesNorfolk Slim101438
SOTM October 2017, Shake 'Em On DownJohnm202892
The Guitar Stylists--EAEGBE tuningJohnm2562
The Guitar Stylists--Spanish TuningJohnm202190
The Memphis Blues Guitar of Furry LewisJohnm2469
The Persistence of Pre-Blues MaterialJohnm5116030
Thriving On A RiffJohnm144878
Train Blues with NarrativesJohnm293135
Versions of "Stackerlee"Johnm455858
Walter Furry Lewis and Wife- Blues Singer-1940- St LouisRandy Meadows0626
Willie, Furry & GusBunker Hill12599 - Interesting Country Blues related video clipsSlack1843264075
Zoom session on Furry Lewis, 3/4/23, 10:00 AM PSTJohnm2494
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