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My songs ain't writ on papuh... them words, they just come to me while I sing. That's a true God-given talent I was borned with. Only real blues singers like me can make songs on the spot. No mutha's gonna teach you that - Guitar Gabriel, PTCBW 1995 in a semisober moment responding to a naïve student who asked "where ideas for his songs come from?"

Results for Titanic
Subject Started by Replies Views
Blind Lemon JeffersonBunker Hill52751
Erwin Bosman blogsErwinBosman435799
Frank Hutchison lyricsForum20029320305
Guitar Duets in Country BluesGhostRider4714706
Murder Ballads and disaster songs 1913-1938Pan143419
Pink Anderson's Tuning186082
Shipwrecks and the BluesBlue in VT114754
The Persistence of Pre-Blues MaterialJohnm5116024
The TitanicJohnm8215474
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