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Arthur Petties, Freddie Spruell, Romeo Nelson, Doug Suggs -- these are only a few of the blues singers known on record and in discographies to blues enthusiasts, whose rediscovery has not been followed by recording sessions, for they have forgotten all they knew, and hear with disbelief the records they made as young men. - "The Future of the Blues", Blues Off the Record, Paul Oliver

Results for Clifford Gibson
Subject Started by Replies Views
Adventures in EAEGBE tuninguncle bud4211876
Adventures in Spanishfrankie12032815
Barefoot Bill Lyricsfrankie3127258
Blues of St. LouisJohnm4916455
Clifford Gibson and Jimmie Rodgers155135
Clifford Gibson Lyricsfrankie6616777
Clifford Gibson photographbluesSTL21379
Clifford Gibson--Photos/CDs72560
One of a Kind--and GreatJohnm7520067
She's Got The Jordan River In Her Hips - RT Hanenmr mando53652
The Guitar Stylists--EAEGBE tuningJohnm2597
The Guitar Stylists--Spanish TuningJohnm202309
The Influence of Lonnie JohnsonJohnm4011730
The Thumb Has ItJohnm336855
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