The Unwound Third > Phonograph Blues

New Recording Setup


My son purchase and will let me use to record on the following setup.

He got a Shure SM86 Condenser Mic
Delta 1010 Sound Card
Behringer Mixer

I submitted a couple of songs previously reecorded on my laptop plugged into the sound card and some of the comments were that it sounded like an electric guitar rather than an acoustic. At first I thought it was due to the low sampling rate required to compress to 800K or less, yet after listening to other members submission I realized it wasn't that.  Well anyway yesterday my son let me try his new mic and I have to say it sounds like I am in a recording studion compared to the sound from my laptop sound card.

I will submit a song in the next day or two.
One question is this. He records through the mic into his new sound card. However for playback his speakers cables do no fit into the new sound card so for playback he is plugged into the old sound which is on the motherboard. If it sounds this good now will there be a drastic improvement when we get some kind of cable adapters to playback through the new soundcard?


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