Country Blues > Country Blues Licks and Lessons

Henry Thomas's Bob McKinney: Tab/Chord changes?


If anyone has tabbed or has a chord progression for Henry Thomas's Bob McKinney I would greatly appreciate it if you could post it. I think it is a wonderful tune and I would love to play it but my ear for transcribing isnt the best.

Hi gypsiesun,
Welcome to Weenie Campbell!  If you want to play "Bob McKinney", put a capo on the sixth fret and fine-tune to match up with Henry Thomas playing out of the C position.  Chords are what you would expect for a song in C, but when you play the F chord, leave the first string open.  I'm not aware of anyone having tabbed this out, but I don't think you will need TAB.  Best of luck working it out.
All best,

Thanks, with the info you gave me as a starting point I think i wont have too much trouble cobbling it together.


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