The Unwound Third > Phonograph Blues

Records, CDs, Downloads

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Devils Son Inlaw:
I was wondering how everyone collects their music. Years ago I traded in almost all of my records, nothing rare or highly sought after in the blues, and started collecting CDs, it seemed logical at the time.

Since then my son showed me how to download songs from the internet legally so I can then have those songs from artists that only recorded a few tunes without having to buy yet another compilation for 2 obscure songs.

Now when I bust out my mp3 player at work to get my blues fix, I get chuckles because it is now old technology.  Most of my blues are on CDs these days because I'm not content to have a virtual jukebox, I still want a hard copy of my favorites. How about everyone else?   jake

Forgetful Jones:
I am mostly digital. I've got my collection on hard drives, but I am also an Apple Music subscriber, so I listen through that most often.

My old iPod classic is on its last legs, and Apple did away with iPods years ago.

I've got a couple dozen records that get played occasionally and still have a bunch of CD's, most of which haven't seen the light of day in several years. My Blues Images (Tefteller) CD's are still readily available.

Blues Vintage:
My Ipod Classic is on it's last legs too. I even had the thing repaired a few months ago.
I use spotify but still download mp3. These days I sporadically buy an LP or CD.
I prefer LPs or CD's (I have quite an CD/LP blues collection). You can hold the actual product, read the liner notes, look at photos and stuff but compared to downloading mp3 it's outrageously expensive.

I began buying LPs nearly 60 years ago and still have quite a few, maybe 250 Blues , Oldtime and other similar stuff, and about 150 rock and jazz albums. (And about 200 45s !). I kept the good ones, got rid of a lot of the others.  For a long time, I had a pretty good collection of rare blues 78s, but they've gone to a good home.  I still have a turntable to play all that stuff and still do.  Maybe about 300 CDs of similar stuff.  I love playing them and LPs in particular, I think, are very cool in that the good ones have have decent liner notes, art work and are often thematic in the selection of cuts.

But it's kind of too much in a way.  I travel quite a bit so I've transferred a lot of stuff to my Mac, using one of the better formats, and can sync that with other devices.

Funny, my kids used to kid me about the old technology, but now one of them is really into it. 

I still have most of my old LPs and a lot of CDs. I do also use Apple for streaming, but surprisingly often Apple doesn’t have songs I’m looking for, or they show up when searching, but I get a message that the song is no longer available (for example I didn’t find “Do it right" by Pigmeat Pete and Catjuice Charlie that was in a recent thread in Apple Music). It looks to me like Spotify has the widest selection.

(Looks like that one’s not on Spotify either.)


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