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Preserving Country Blues through Education, Performance and Technology
September 11, 2023, 09:58:33 PM by banjochris
Views: 3610 | Comments: 14

Announcing the New Weenie Campbell YouTube Channel!

During some recent discussions among the moderators we realized that some of us had some interesting country blues video and audio that we would like to share with the Weenie Campbell community at large, so we have decided to start a YouTube channel.

You can find the channel at and also under the Quick Menu on the left side of the site.

Our intention isn't to make this a one-stop shop for country blues or to duplicate the many channels already out there with great material, but to showcase some unusual items, like out-of-print albums, concert recordings, interviews and other material that might not otherwise have an easy-to-find place to live on the internet.

One thing we won’t be posting: performances by Weenie Campbell forum members – everyone has their own channels for that and videos of course can be shared here in The Back Porch and wherever else on the forum is appropriate.

We may post items that can be found elsewhere if we can post them in better quality.

Please subscribe!
We urge you to subscribe to the new channel and please share it on any other appropriate groups or forums we participate in.

In addition, we hope to use YouTube to bring more visitors to the forum and to the musical and lyrical resources on Weeniepedia.

We hope you enjoy this addition to Weenie Campbell and if you would like to submit anything for consideration to be included on the channel, we’re working on guidelines and submittal instructions and we’ll have more information on that soon!
November 20, 2021, 01:25:00 PM by Slack
Views: 7488 | Comments: 7

High Praise for WeenieCampbell

Many thanks to Robert Cremer and Bob McLain for mentioning WeenieCampbell in their recent release entitled Secret Language of the Blues: What the Lyrics Really Mean. And to the members, musicians and enthusiasts who have contributed to the site over the last 25 years!

-- This is a website so diverse in its information on the blues that it virtually defies description. This site offers a close to inexhaustible source of information on classic country blues, including - but not limited to - enthralling discussions of blues lyrics and their cultural origins. The basic resources of the website include an encyclopedic archive of blues lyrics in Weeniepedia and a chat room called Other Musical Interests for discussions and exchanges of information on other forms of the blues, including Rhythm and Blues, Jump blues and Gospel. The link Country Blues Lyrics offers a remarkable array of country blues lyrics which are cross-referenced to threads in the chat forums. It should be noted that detailed discussions of blues lyrics in forums provide very reliable information about blues lyrics that have been incorrectly transcribed on other websites. To round out a bewildering array of sources of information is a helpful search function that puts the user in the appropriate section of the website for the desired information. This website is unrivaled in the scope and quality of information offered to blues fans of all persuasions.
October 10, 2018, 10:04:03 AM by Rivers
Views: 17097 | Comments: 0

SOTM - Song Of The Month

What started as a "song of the moment" trial in 2015 has evolved into a steady feature with its own board, Song of the Month. The idea was to present a Country Blues related song with a view to promoting listening, learning and playing. And so it has continued and evolved.

Posting a Song of the Month initial topic will result in the discovery of other versions and background information thanks to input from other forum members. Often the other "found songs" are not related by, for example, song title. Finding them builds a more complete picture of where a song came from and where it's been.

Songs we discuss are most often part of a song 'cluster'. Song clusters provide a lot of material, roots and branches for discussion. At the time of writing, every SOTM topic has covered a song with direct- and/or indirect connections to other songs in the recorded canon.

But you can pick something totally unique, they are out there. The song is the thing; the fact that it's still around and yet somehow unrelated to anything else speaks to its rarity, immortality and importance. Someone on the forum will always chime in with links to interesting background material. If they don't it will be a short thread but no less important :P

If you would like to contribute a Song of The Month please check out the SOTM FAQ. In any case dive in and check out the SOTM board
May 15, 2014, 03:19:12 PM by Johnm | Views: 267429 | Comments: 2532

Miller's Breakdown
What Is this Musician Doing? -An Ongoing Quiz.

PERUSE the indexes:

Hi all,

I have a sort of different idea for a new thread here.  I'm in the practice of pretty much always saying what tuning or position a musician played a tune out of, and while that information can be really helpful in figuring out how to play a piece on a recording, my always supplying it doesn't exactly help those of you who would like to build your own skills in doing that.  So, I thought it might be interesting to have a thread in which a performance is posted and then specific questions are asked to the Weenie community at large about how the song is being played.  I would have two requests for how to make participation in the process work better for everybody:

   * Please don't use transcription software of any type in figuring out what is being done.  Try to do it just using your own ears and listening.  If you'd like to do it with an instrument in your hands or handy nearby where you can try out things on it, by all means, use your instrument to help you figure things out.
   * Please don't post any responses or suggested answers to the questions about how the song is being played before Monday, May 19th.  This will allow more folks to work on the song and see if they can figure out the answers to the questions before any responses to the questions are posted.

The song I'd like you all to listen to if you care to is one recorded by a musician named Andrew Dunham, from Detroit, in the late 1940s or early 1950s.  Professor Scratchy first posted this song on the "Country Blues-Related Tunes on YouTube" thread a couple of years ago.  Since first hearing it, the sound of "Sweet Lucy Woman" has really stuck with me.  I think it is an amazing sound and Andrew Dunham really had a Country sound, despite recording in an urban environment.  The two questions I have about the tune are:

   * What tuning and playing position did Andrew Dunham play "Sweet Lucy Woman" out of?, and
   * Where on the neck is the lick fingered in the intro from :05 to :06 to :07, that moves up from :05 to :06 and back down from :06 to :07?

That's it.  I hope you enjoy this and think it is a worthwhile endeavor, and please remember not to post any responses to the questions until Monday, so that a lot of folks can try to work out the answers.  Thanks!

All best,
January 11, 2014, 11:20:46 AM by Johnm | Views: 18444 | Comments: 4

Music FromThe South
A new DVD release from Stefan Grossman's Guitar Workshop.

WATCH the sampler:

Hi All,

This music performance video follows on the heels of the recently released "Legends of Country Blues Guitar" and it is equally impressive. High points include 6 tunes from ace fiddler Clark Kessinger, backed by Gene Meade on guitar and an expert bluegrass banjo player. There are four songs and a talking segment with the great Kilby Snow, for which he is joined by his son, Jim, and buddy, Mike Hudak. This footage is from the Newport Folk Festival, and it is great to see Howling Wolf and Booker White taking in Kilby's music, as they do that of his interlocutor Jimmie Driftwood, who plays the picking bow. There are also two songs from Lily Mae Ledford and the Coon Creek Girls (just two of them), tunes from Canray Fontenot and Alphonso Bois Sec Ardoin, and incredible footage of Ed & Lonnie Young and the Fife and Drum Band.  Also featured are Jesse Mae Hemphill and a number of different people playing the diddly bow, attached to the wall of a house. I don't think of this footage as having been filmed all that long ago, but seeing it makes me realize what a different world we live in now, if only by virtue of only a couple of the people shown in this film still being alive. Highly recommended.

All best, Johnm

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