Country Blues > EuroWeenie
Martin 000-15M
Hello Euroweenie friends, old and new. I am selling my guitar due to....well, needing the money.
I know not many of you guys are in ROI but I thought I'd try my luck here, maybe you know someone in the market or might be over Ireland sometime in the near future.
I'll post a link to the Donedeeal Ad I've just relisted.
Excuse the list of rules - if I remember well, you are all mostly reasonable people. Apparently, the users of Donedeal free-ads are not. Hopefully, I won't get abusive messages this time for daring to ask for more than a pittance.
I believe this model is becoming a lot more difficult (or pricey) to get in Europe due to the Indian Rosewood fingerboard now being classed as from an endangered species thus pushing up the prices for stores/buyers wishing to import.
On an unrelated note, I've been listening to JW Warren a lot recently. He really reminds me of a mix between Furry and Joe Callicott - and how cool is that?
All the best <3 Laura
Parlor Picker:
Sorry to hear you are being forced into selling your Martin, Laura. Hope you get the asking price very soon.
Nice to see you on the Weenie again after some time - I still remember your delightful videos (in fact I'll go look them up now, when I should be working...)
Wishing you better things to come.
Parlor Picker:
For all you Weenies who missed this first time around. A delight:
Mike Shipman:
Just had a view of that Youtube (thanks Parlor picker for that), great version, smooth and understated, hope you are able to hold onto a decent guitar so you can keep on playing.
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