Country Blues > Down the Dirt Road
Free blues download from the State of Florida
don o:
I haven't seen this mentioned before, so my apologizies if I missed it.
We just received a blues CD at KNON from the State of Florida's Division of Library and Information Services, Florida Memory Project. It has 17 tracks of blues selected from hundreds of hours of recordings between 1977 and 2002 at the Florida Folk Festival. Apparantly they are in the process of digitizing a lot of material and have released this disc as promotion for the project. There is a lot of good music from folks like Roy Bookbinder, Cephas and Wiggins, Etta Baker, Johnny Shines, and many more. The CD is also available as a free zip file download.
The CD is titled "Where the Palm Trees Shake at Night" and if you click on the CD cover on their audio page it takes you right to a link where you can listen to MP3s or download the whole CD.
There's a lot of other cool stuff to peruse on their site, so go when you have some free time. :)
Prof Scratchy:
That's a great site! Several hours' worth of browsing and listening there. Thanks for the link, Don.
Hey thanks. I just downloaded the whole album. I’ve been a Bookbinder fan since highschool in the 70s. I play a lot of of songs but it’s a poor imitation. His deadpan delivery and his timing and his impeccable technique put him in a class of his own. Roy toyed with slide , like on this album, for a while but gave it up. I’ve seen hm at October and spring fest at Suwannee several times. I’m currently working in his version of Rag Mama. Not as easy as it sounds!
Just downloaded Blues and Gospel from the site, featuring a guitarist, Robert Williams and family. Looking forward to listening to it. Thanks.
That Johnny Shines set from 1977 is absolutely on fire! 🤩 From everything I’ve heard, Johnny rarely if ever disappointed. This was no exception.
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