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William Grant, [born in 1908], was born near Pittsview, Alabama...He was given a harmonica one Christmas, and he says he learned how to play it while sitting on a plow in the fields. 'I played at parties in the countries,' he said. 'I used to pick guitar, but I come to religion and I put the guitar down. I promised the Lord I wouldn't fool with a guitar no more, but I didn't promise Him I wouldn't fool with a harp. I always keep a harp' - George Mitchell, from In Celebration of a Legacy: The Traditional Arts of the Lower Chattahoochee Valley


Cooking with Liz
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Description: She cooks, she cleans, she barks like a dog, she wiggles on her belly like a snake....not really, but she's a great help in the kitchen.
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Filesize: 128.25kB
Height: 640 Width: 479
Posted by: Desperate Stevens at August 11, 2009, 05:26:16 PM

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