Country Blues > Port Townsend Country Blues Workshop

Port Townsend, the new food service


Hi all,
I was just up at the tail end of the Festival of North American Fiddle Tunes in Port Townsend, a wonderful event, and had occasion to eat in the new mess hall (called the Commons).? You will not believe the difference!? The food was really good!? For dinner, rosemary roasted potatoes, corn on the cob (fresh), pork loin w/dried fruit, pistacchio encrusted chicken in a wine sauce, barbecued beef ribs, two different kinds of green salad, potato salad, fresh rolls, fresh fruit, three or four different kinds of dessert, etc.? The atmosphere in the new Commons is really nice as well--high ceilings, smaller tables for ease of conversation over meals, and a very friendly kitchen, bussing staff.? No one who chooses to opt for the meal service is going to be martyring his or her belly this year.? I think the new food service and the building will make a major improvement in the quality of life at camp, particularly since the problem has been of such long standing.? I thought those of you who will be attending might like to know.
All best,

Bill Roggensack:
OK John - come clean - how much did they pay you?? ;-)

Seriously, it sounds like there have been some major improvements. Which were long overdue!? Do you recall whether meals can be bought one at a time, or is the prospective diner still required to pre-purchase meal tickets? A few lunches socializing would be great, provided the food is edible and there are some reasonably healthy selections. And it fits in with my plan to do less cooking and cleaning and more playing in 2004. Dishwater is so hard on my fragile nails.

FP et al,

The "Commons" (as the new food building is called) features some kind of kiosk or other, from which food products may be purchased during the day.  Whether these are from the mealtime menus is beyond my current knowledge, but I believe they may be from the same kitchen.  The new food vendor is apparently doing an adequate job during the week (specializing in meats), with what sounds like special efforts during the festival.

This may be the first year that the Fort's food doesn't impinge on playing time.  That's what we'all call a welcome change!


PS- FrontPage, I'll bring some silk and super-glue for you!

Hi all,
My impression at Fiddle Tunes was that enrollment in the meal plan, along with an appropriate badge or ticket, entitles the bearer to all meals at the Commons.  Meals may be purchased on a one-at-a-time basis by persons not on the meal plan.  There appeared to be plenty of non-meat options at the meal I ate.
All best,

Peter McCracken:
John's right - you can purchase meals one at a time. There's also a coffee shop, open until 7pm. Still, they won't let us cook late at night.



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