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When Alan posed the question "What are the blues? What do they mean to you?" the answers were in part something he sought for himself, to understand this musical form that may have been as ancient as the griots in West Africa, or perhaps as recent as the automobile, the airplane, and the phonograph (all of which made guest appearances in the blues). The blues had become a craze, like ragtime, which grew up alongside it, and it leaped from the bottom of the social order to the Astors and the Vanderbilts, who staged blues contests for their own amusement well before the rest of white America came to know them - from Alan Lomax, The Man Who Recorded the World, by John Szwed


Gallery Name Gallery Description Total Images
Euroweenie 2018Gathering at Webbington on April 14th and 15th9
Euroweenie 2017Gathering at Webbington on April 21st and 22nd25
Euroweenie  2016Gathering at the Webbington Hotel 29-30 April 2016 18
Euroweenie 2015Weenie gathering at Webbington Hotel and Spa, Zummerzet, April 201536
Euroweenie - 2014Weenie gathering - South Lawn Hotel, Milford-on-Sea - April 201445
Euroweenie 2013Weenie gathering in New Forest/Lymington, UK - April 201341
Port Townsend 2012Port Townsend 2012 photos5
Euroweenie 2012Weenie gathering in New Forest/Lymington, UK - April 201280
Euroweenie 2011Weenie gathering in New Forest/Lymington, UK - March 201140
EuroWeenie 2010Weenie gathering in New Forest/Lymington, UK - March 201043
Blues Week 2009Port Townsend Photos 200923
EuroWeenie 2009Weenie Gathering in Lyndhurst, UK- April 200926
Blues Week 2008Port Townsend 2008 Photos51
Roots of Rock Intensive 2008Port Townsend 2008 Photos3
Port Townsend 2007Port Townsend 2007 Photos223
Port Townsend 2006Port Townsend 2006 Photos128
Port Townsend 2005Port Townsend 2005 Photos165
Port Townsend 2004Port Townsend 2004 Photos187
Port Townsend 2003Port Townsend 2003 Photos16
Port Townsend 2002Port Townsend 2002 Photos28
Port Townsend 2001Port Townsend 2001 Photos20
Port Townsend 2000Port Townsend 2000 Photos13
Port Townsend 1999Port Townsend 1999 Photos12
Member GalleriesGalleries created by members41
78 Record Labels78 Record Labels75

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