Country Blues > Weeniepedia

Additions to Weeniepedia

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Hi all,
We were talking and thought it might be a good idea to post additions to Weeniepedia as they are entered.  The following items have been added to Weeniepedia in the past week-and-a-half or so.
   * Lyrics for "Tillie Lee" and "Ragtime Crazy", as transcribed by banjo chris, have been added to the William Moore Lyrics page, which now has all of Moore's lyrics entered.
   * Andrew has entered and formatted the positions and tunings for Peg Leg Howell's '20s recordings and his Testament record, with my commentary.
   * Buddy Moss' "New Lovin' Blues" has been entered, and an Artist page for Buddy Moss has been created.
   * Pink Anderson's lyrics for "The Wreck of the Old 97", "Gonna Tip Out Tonight", "John Henry" and "Boweevil" have been entered and an Artist page created for Pink.
   * The recently transcribed Leroy Carr lyrics for "Straight Alky Blues Part 3" and "I'm Going Away And Leave My Baby" have been added to Leroy Carr's Lyrics page.
   * The lyrics for "Moanin' and Groanin' Blues" have been added to Peg Leg Howell's Lyrics page, leaving only "Chittlin' Supper", a spoken number with mandolinist Jim Hill, untranscribed, from his '20s recordings.

We hope that anyone who makes additions to Weeniepedia will post and inform the Weenie community here.
all best,

Hi all,
Today I was perusing Weeniepedia and noticed that a song that I knew had been transcribed there was not included in the alphabetical listing.  Some checking unearthed between 75-100 titles that were included in the sort under the artists who recorded them but were not in the master alphabetical list, so I did the editing to get them on the list.  If you take a look at the list now, it's getting to be pretty impressive, 475 songs transcribed.  Onward and upward.
All best,

Nice work Johnm!

Hi all,
In the past few days, new artist and lyric pages for Edward Thompson, Robert Wilkins, Lane Hardin, Pigmeat Pete & Catjuice Charlie, Cat Iron, Jim Jackson and Tommy McClennan, as well as song lyrics by these artists have been added to Weeniepedia, as well as some lyrics from Papa Charlie Jackson.  The alphabetical listing of songs is fast approaching 500 songs transcribed, currently at 494.
All best,

Hi all,
Song lyrics, lyric and artist pages for Emry Arthur, J. D. Short and Willie Reed have been added to Weeniepedia.  The alphabetical list of transcribed songs now stands at 504!
All best,


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