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God takes care of old folks and fools - J.T. Funny Papa Smith, Fool's Blues

Results for theory/analysis
Subject Started by Replies Views
"I Got Rhythm"--chord changes/structureRichard1014419
16-Bar BluesJohnm4917112
Adventures in EAEGBE tuninguncle bud4211859
Adventures in VestapolJohnm7722827
Blues Forms and Vocal PhrasingJohnm8021215
Blues in "C' Scalekinsuk5940
Blues in Minor/With Minor ChordsGhostRider16046009
Bo Carter's Pop BluesJohnm23903
Charlie McCoy's "Last Time Blues"Johnm55245
Covering the Song, Not the ArrangementJohnm194279
Frank Stokes' Guitar Style--Queries and TipsPan6222707
Harmonic Complexity/Content in Country Blues--Where Did It Go?Johnm4311390
Harmony/Hearing Chord ChangesBlueshome3511765
Help with figuring something outGourd_441658
Henry ThomasJohnm3111295
Ishmon Bracey's LyricsJohnm10328231
Key To The Highway/8-Bar Blues7524136
Lil' Son Jackson LyricsSlack11624417
Looking for Great Blues songs that aren't 1-4-5Shambolic62008
Melody Taking the Bass for a Ride Johnm143198
Notable OmissionsJohnm5314353
One of a Kind--and GreatJohnm7519889
Peg Leg Howell--Positions/Tunings for his Pre-Rediscovery RecordingsJohnm32998
Rag Blues and Circle of 5thswaxwing6224040
Scale Structure and Blues Chord ProgressionsJohnm63542
Sylvester Weaver LyricsJohnm3117275
Talkin' 15-bar bluesMissouriTiger121454
Teddy Darby's LyricsJohnm6729795
Texas Alexander's Lyrics15446021
The Guitar of Snooks Eaglin--Queries and TipsJohnm1920721
The Wordless Voice--The Role of Instrumental Accompaniment in the BluesJohnm359019
Three Frets Up, and What You Find ThereJohnm205665
Thriving On A RiffJohnm144967
Transcription questioneric33428
Understanding the Left Hand in Open Tunings (all open tunings)Johnm31459
Unusual intervals in country bluesGmaj792159
Vocal Phrasing--The Long And The Short of ItJohnm8726435
Waltzes played by CB artists?Pan13222346
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