Country Blues > Weeniepedia
Weeniepedia working bees
Getting all the pending lyrics into weeniepedia is the next step. It's not a quicky since the first post of a lyric may not have been updated as corrections came in.
I'm going to take on the Lemon lyrics as a mini project and I'm starting from the end of the topic and working backwards, I figure it will be easier to pick up corrections that way. Ideally we should put a link on the wiki page to the post in the forum topic. I've put a link to the forum topic on the wiki's Lemon Lyrics category page for quick navigation. I'm going to do them all in a text editor because it'll be quicker and will post in batches as I go.
If someone wants to volunteer to start from half way through the thread and also work backward eventually we'll mow this tall grass down. Goal should be to apply all corrections to weeniepedia as we go.
Wiki Lemon lyric category is here:
Forum topic is here:;Itemid=128&topic=314.0
Use the same layout as Andrew created for Dry Southern Blues. Category tags to place at the bottom of the page are: [[category:Blind Lemon Jefferson Lyrics]][[category:Lyrics]]
For anything in doubt that needs more discussion please post on the forum topic and also put this additional category assignment at the bottom of the wiki lyric that indicates it's a Work In Progress so we can find 'em again easily for final resolution: [[category:Lyrics WIP]]
So who wants to help me? Plus volunteers needed for Frank Stokes I should think, and others.
I'm on a roll and will do all the Lemon lyrics. 55 titles so far, about 35 to go.
Still need volunteers for Frank Stokes...
Lemon's done and under review, when I can get time to moderate.
Johnm, I linked the boll weevil page to Arcana, since that's such a great picture I wanted to be able to find it again easily and it was 'lost in space' category-wise. I guess it could also be linked to the main Lyrics category. Perhaps when you get time you could drop the text content in there.
To visit with one of the charismatic stars of weeniepedia go to the boll weevil page.
Things are serious when you've got to have legs for your snout.
I noticed that under Artists we have the Mississippi Sheiks listed as "Mississippi Sheiks", under M and we have the Down Home Boys listed as "The Down Home Boys" under T. I've always thought the standard for alphabetizing was that articles such as a and the don't count, but we should at least be consistent?
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