Country Blues > Weeniepedia
Weeniepedia glitches
I figured it's OK to start a special topic for glitches related to Weeniepedia that's separate from the general "trouble reports" section. Tell me if it ain't so.
I'm using an ancient (v. 1.3.2) version of Safari. I have zero problems with the main forum, but the formatting for Weeniepedia is all messed up. The Weenie logo is superimposed on the frame that says "Welcome to Weeniepedia," and the Welcome to Weeniepedia page is superimposed on the frame that says "Create an account." The little bit of text I can see on the Create an account page is gigantic--36 point or larger, I'm sure much larger than intended.
Any other Mac users having similar problems?
Besides that, great idea! Thanks for all your efforts in the name of music that no one cares about.
Hi Lindy,
Safari is a problem. But a bigger problem is that you should be automatically logged in to weeniepedia if you are logged into the forum. Have you considered upgrading your browser?
--- Quote from: Slack on March 30, 2008, 05:09:57 PM ---But a bigger problem is that you should be automatically logged in to weeniepedia if you are logged into the forum. Have you considered upgrading your browser?
--- End quote ---
I checked again, and I am automatically logged in. Now I can see my user name where "Create an account" was last time, but still with the superimposed image/page problem.
The trouble with upgrading my browser is that it demands that I upgrade my OS to the current Apple OS--Cheetah, Lynx, Ocelot, Caracal, whatever. For my limited usage, I only upgrade my OS when I get a new machine.
I'll keep messin' with it and see what happens.
Edited to add: It looks as though I can still access most of the Weeniepedia content via the links, so now it's just a minor annoyance that the link headings are all chopped down to two letters "We" "We" "Br" "Ce" etc. I can work around it.
--- Quote ---I checked again, and I am automatically logged in.
--- End quote ---
That's good. Got to: My Preferences->Skin and select "Classic" and you will be much happier.
Hi Lindy,
Have you tried Firefox for Mac? It's a drag to change your preferred browser I know but Firefox is preety good, under Windows anyway, and maybe (I have no idea really) may not demand that you upgrade your OS
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