Country Blues > Weeniepedia
What's the procedure for posting a photo or other illustration into a Weeniepedia entry? Usually I can figure things out by just looking at an edit of an entry that contains what I want to do, but in this case I'm not sure where the actual jpeg resides.
dj, thanks for starting some topics in the new-to-be Weeniepedia board.
To add an image, click Upload File (sidebar menu), you can then use the photo anywhere you want by using Wiki text [[Image:Photo_Name.jpg]] There are some other options and arguments for this wiki text taht you can peruse here:
uncle bud:
So far, within the pages, most of the images are set off to the right, and the code to do so is
Adding that | symbol creates several options in wiki markup language, as you have seen with Categories where |LastName, FirstName is used for artists, for example.
If the image is fairly large, you can also do a thumbnail-with-caption approach, which you have probably seen on Wikipedia. Code for that is
[[Image:Photo_Name.jpg|thumb|Caption text]]
Pretty straightforward in the end, which is nice.
Thought you might enjoy this. Cheryl's Mom gave it to us, dated 1929, this is the front and back cover and bottom of inside cover. Lists all 48 states on the back, as they were then, and the population as 120 million, now 306 mill. Thought I'd drop it here in case we want to put it in the weeniepedia railroad category.
"Printed in black & white only and free from confusing detail" (I'll have to remember that for the next time I get pulled up at work on documentation), and "This series will especially interest the commercial man"! :D Look at those trees bend before the mighty Cannonball!
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