Country Blues > Books and Articles

New biography of Booker "Bukka" White


The University Press of Mississippi has published my book The Life and Music of Booker "Bukka" White: Recalling the Blues. The book is Booker's first full-length biography.

At the heart of the book is my interview with Booker on July 29, 1976, which took place in Beverly (Massachusetts) Hospital, where he was recovering from a stroke.

My research ramped up in 2017 after UPM offered me a contract to write the biography. I would not have been able to complete the project without the active support of a great many generous people.

If you have an interest in Booker, I hope you will take a look at Recalling the Blues online and consider purchasing it from UPM or your favorite independent bookseller.

-- David Johnson

Look forward to reading it!

Thanks for the heads up, David. I read your piece in Southern Cultures several years back and I'm glad you were able to get the support required to research and write a book length biography of Booker White. He certainly deserves one. Congratulations on its publication. I look forward to reading it.

Blues Vintage:
I don't know if it's a coincidence but I got word from Document Records (along with the book) that they updated their “Aberdeen Mississippi Blues” release and even have a Bukka White T-shirt now.

I look forward to reading your book.  It's my understanding that, during his Memphis days, White developed a great friendship with Furry Lewis.  Did he talk much about that in your interview?


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