Country Blues > EuroWeenie
***** EuroBlues Weekend 2018 *****
Hello weenies,
I would appreciate some input on this - the Webbington whilst delighted to have us again in 2018 have though changed their booking system and wanted me to pay something towards the block booking up-front!
As you will appreciate I felt there was limit to that and after some negotiation they have suggested this arrangement - which to me seems an admirable compromise -
--- Quote ---I have explained our long standing relationship with you as a group and he (the manager) has offered that if we have the full balance the day prior to arrival, then he happy to keep this agreement going forward. Basically, we are asking for payment prior to arrival and I appreciate that this may a problem too far in advance.
--- End quote ---
Could you let me know asap if this is agreeable with you all - or at least those who know they will theoretically attending, how could you miss it! - or even better if you could pay when booking. that would be good for our brownie-points
I have provisional dates for Friday 13 (yes13) and Sat 14 April 2018 with the free use of the dreaded library AND they will do the same room rates for us again.
Maybe we could make it even easier for the hotel by paying in full up front and not turning up at all...
Well thanks for overwhelming repose, it looks to me as though Stuart has the best solution...
The dates ARE booked 13-14 April 2018 and I will post here again to confirm the agreed payment arrangement once I receive it from the hotel.
Prof Scratchy:
I am happy to pay in full at the time of booking, despite my antipathy towards those who feel it necessary to replace the perfectly serviceable 'in future' with 'going forward'!
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Thanks Prof, seems the ideal solution - I'd hazard a guess that the new payment edict which came from on high could be the result of new management.
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