I know a man that's an evangelist, the tabernacle's always full. People come from miles around just to hear him shoot the bull - Uncle Dave Macon, "Jordan Am a Hard Road to Travel"
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0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. All are tagged SOTM, I check regularly.
[edit, later: having said, and after thinking about it, I clicked all your links to check that they all had the 'SOTM' tag. There were six that weren't tagged So I tagged them. Good work there Chris. There are now 49 songs in both your list and the tag list] It would be great if the tag list came up sorted chronologically like your list. It could be done but would require changing the title of the first post in each topic to a sortable standard and stick to it going forward. For example February next year could be "SOTM 2019-02 [song title]" In any case, I stickied this topic. Great idea! This will save me doing it twice again next time! Actually I did find Chris?s complete list after I?d done the duplicate post! Doh!
Re. the list, kudos for the use of the table BBCs (bulletin board codes) to get that nice clean table format. They can be hard to get your head around unless you've spent years routinely typing (what looks like) gobbledygook as a programmer.
Re. the list, kudos for the use of the table BBCs (bulletin board codes) to get that nice clean table format. They can be hard to get your head around unless you've spent years routinely typing (what looks like) gobbledygook as a programmer. Thanks! Sadly at my day job I spend a lot of time looking at HTML, so I'm intimately familiar with table coding, and you just sub [ for <. Chris Thanks for posting the chronological listing and links to the various Songs of the Month, Chris. It was a great idea, and is so helpful, both for finding individual song threads but also for getting the big picture of what's already been done in a clear and easily checked way. Thanks!
All best, Johnm Pages: [1] Go Up
Tags: SOTM