Country Blues > Books and Articles
The Robert Johnson "Biography of a phantom" by Mack Mccormick
Blues Vintage:
Is this book ever goin' to be published? I read somewhere he's maybe scared of Stephen Lavere cause the book contains a third picture of robert. there also rumors he has in his posession a unissued recording of robert johnson.
I don't know if this old news but I found this document on the net. Its a letter from frank driggs from columbia records to don law (present at the RJ recordings) In the letter among other things Don Law gives his discription of robert johnson. It also confirms that robert was picked up by the police on the first night.
Link from dallas observer;
Bunker Hill:
There's been a fair amount of MMcC discussion hereabouts, admittedly not directly concerned with the RJ LaVere debacle, but click the tag below to read what folk here have said in the past...
Some more details on Robert Johnson's demise here:
How interesting. To add to this I consulted the resident doctor about Marfans Syndrone and was given short lecture, the gist of which is Marfan's is indeed an 'orrible thing to have and the outlook is not great anyway. It's genetic, but for me the interesting thing that links this is the RJ picture showing of his hands and long fingers. Classic Marfan's has the measurement of the outstretched arms being more than the body height.
Live and learn.
More recent stuff on Robert Johnson here:
Another story from the Greenwood Museum:
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