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ScrApper Blackwell death????? Info???

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Hi it's me creighton here with a mystery . Scrapper Blackwell died October 7th 1962 . Supposedly he was shot because of a mugging? Can somebody give me some more info on this?

Bunker Hill:
MJT3 of this parish has been researching Carr-Blackwell for a mighty long time. I'm sure if anyone can supply the background he's the man.  ;)

In the meantime at item 18 in Stefan's discography you'll find my scan of the booklet notes to the 77 LP. These were written in 1960 by Duncan Schiedt and, as you'll note, Blackwell complained during this latter session that he had lost the effective use of his left ring finger due to a fracas in an apartment the previous night. Obviously prone to such happenings.....


--- Quote from: Bunker Hill on January 30, 2015, 10:13:28 PM ---Obviously prone to such happenings.....

--- End quote ---

it never occurred to me before to wonder how he got his nickname!

Prof Scratchy:
I remember reading that Scrapper was shot by a neighbour, a 75 year old man named Robert Beam. The two had been drinking in the alley behind Beam's house. Scrapper died 24 hours after the shooting. He had two bullets in his chest. Beam was arrested but claimed he'd been cleaning the gun when it went off accidentally. Twice, apparently! Don't know what happened after that - whether Beam was charged and arraigned? Anyway, not a mugging.

Bunker Hill:
Well done Prof, just the nudge my failing memory needed. It can be found chapter and verse in the notes 1980 to Blackwell Agram LP, by Guido van Rijn and Han Veergeer. I've attached a scan of the relevant section from the LP notes. The arty farty layout doesn't help - click image to view.


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