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Author Topic: SOTM - FAQ (frequently asked questions)  (Read 7722 times)

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SOTM - FAQ (frequently asked questions)
« on: October 12, 2018, 09:28:59 AM »
SOTM - Song Of The Month FAQ
Can I add to an existing SOTM topic?

Absolutely. Like most discussions on Weenie Campbell each SOTM topic never closes. If you discover other versions or more information down the track we encourage you to add to the thread. Check out the full list of songs discussed to date, or have a look through the SOTM board.

If you find the song you're thinking of already has a thread going please post additions to the existing topic.

Content and expectations

Topics are neither pre-assigned nor approved. In general, anything you find interesting enough to write about will be interesting to read, think about and play.

Which versions of a song should I write about?

You can just pick the versions of a song that you like and/or think are important. If you leave some space other weenies are pretty much guaranteed to post more to round-out the selection. In other words there is no need to be a completist in your first post. But you can be if you wish.

How to volunteer to post an SOTM topic

Each year the current SOTM coordinator will post a topic on the SOTM board requesting a volunteer for each month of that year. If you'd like to contribute a topic please volunteer on that thread.

Having volunteered and figured out a month you can ensure nobody else will take your topic by naming your song choice. If you don't want to name your song you might want to consider having a backup song just in case.

If you need ideas for a topic or help in any way please feel free to post any questions.

Posting your SOTM topic

So you've volunteered to post an SOTM topic for a month, done your research and your chosen month is at hand. You are ready to post. What now?
  • start a new topic on the SOTM board
  • title the new topic using the following format:
    SOTM <month> <year> <subject>
The <month> and <year> are, curiously enough, the month & year. <subject> is whatever you decide to post, usually the most-used title of a song or song group. For example, at the time of writing the current title is SOTM October 2018 Mama Don't Tear My Clothes

Try to post somewhere around the beginning of the month you've chosen. There's no penalty for early or late posting, we're just trying to keep some consistency.

Inserting youtube videos

If you look though existing SOTM topics you'll see that embedding youtube videos is an effective way to present songs. To embed a youtube video follow these steps:
  • go to the video's page on
  • click the Share tab
  • press the Copy button
  • paste the link into the body of your post
From there, continue editing and post when ready. When you look through the post if you just see the link text rather than the video something is wrong, so re-read the steps above. If it still doesn't pan out we're always here to help.

Adding other attachments and links

You can attach MP3s and several other file types stored on your computer for your topic. They will appear at the bottom of the post.

When creating a post you'll notice a link for "Attachments and other options" below the editing window. After you click on it you'll see a browse button. Find your file and select it. The limit for the attachment size is just about 1MB so compress aggressively before attaching audio files.

A word of caution: SAVE your text in your preferred text editor before attaching audio if you're not 100% positive of the attachment file size. If your file is too big and you try to submit the post the forum software will tell you the attachment was too big, the post will fail and you will lose ALL of your text. You have been warned! Keep an up-to-date copy of your post handy.

Attachments will not show up in the post until published. Previewing the post will not show the attachment.

More questions?

Post them below and we'll be happy to respond and expand this FAQ

« Last Edit: October 25, 2018, 05:01:53 PM by Rivers »

Tags: SOTM 

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