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Women are like wet bars of soap. Hold on to 'em too hard and they pop outta your hands - John Lee Hooker

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 #    #lyrics #gospelBob LongDust-to-DigitalIda CoxLittle Son JoePinetop PerkinsSt Louis Jimmy
 0    00-40Bob MacLeodDutch TildersIke ZimmermanLittle Son WillisPinetop SparksSt. James Infirmary
000Bob PratcherDVDIllinois BluesLittle WalterPink AndersonSt. Louis
 1    10 bar tunesBob WestDykes Magic City TrioimagerylivepipaSt. Louis Blues
12 bar bluesBobby Grant  E    E positionimitation basslive bluesPitchSt. Louis Jimmy Oden
12 stringBobby LeecanE. L. ColemanImperial Recordslive blues ukpitch correctionSt. Paul's Bottoms
12 string guitarBobo ThomasE.C. BallimprovisingLive MusicplayerStackerlee
16 bar bluesBogus Ben CovingtonE9 in India :DLiving Bluesplaying outStagolee
1888Boll WeevilEAEGBE tuningin person LoarPodcastState Street Boys
1906bonesEar TrainingIn the Mornin'Lock & Key Bluespolicy arcanaStatesboro Blues
1912Boo HanksEarly Morning BluesIndependent record labelLois GibsonPolk ChatmonStavin' Chain
1917Boodle It WigginsEarnest Johnsonindian slide guitarLomaxPolk MillerStax
1920sBoogie Woogie Red east coast bluesIndiana Ave. BluesLonesom Atlanta BluesPollock BluesSteel Guitar
1927Booker T. SappsEast River String BandInjuriesLonesome Day BluesPolock BluesStefan Grossman
1928Booker WhiteEast Texas Serenadersinstruction Long "Cleve" Reedpolyrhythmsstella
1929books EbInstructionalLong Gone MilesPoor BillStella 12 string
1930Bossa NovaEBAinstructional dvdsLongest Train/In The PinesPoor Black MatieStella guitar
1930sBotswana RonnieeBayInstructional VideosLonnie ChatmonPoor BoyStella Guitars
1931bottle up and goEbony Hillbilliesinstrument historyLonnie ColemanPop Songs Stephen Bruton
1932bottleneckEchoinstrumentalsLonnie DonneganPopeye the sailorStephen Calt
1933Bottleneck BluesEck DunfordinsuranceLonnie JohnsonPoplin FamilyStephen J. Martel
1934bottleneck guitarEd Andrewsinterpretationlonnie johnson lessonpopularStephen Tarter
1935Bottleneck Slide BluesEd BellinterviewsLonnie McIntorshporkStephen Wade
1935-1941Boxcar WillieEd HarrisIoneLonzie Thomas pork and beansSteve Cheseborough
1936Boy GreenEd NewsomeiOS DAWLook Here Mama Bluespork chopsSteve James
1938Boyd RiversEd RhodesiPodLottie BeamanPort TownsendSteve Mann
1941Bracey missing ParamountsEddie AnthonyIra StriplingLottie Beamonportable recordersSteve McWilliam
1950s Electric Bluesbrand namesEddie BowlesIRENELottie KimbroughPorter GraingerSteve Rye
1968Bray BrothersEddie ClearwaterIrene ScruggsLouie BluiePortlandstevemcbill
1970sbreakdownEddie CusicIrene WileyLouie LaskyPosey RorerStevie Ray Vaughan
 2    20's slangbridge pinEddie Head and FamilyIrish tenor banjoLouis ArmstrongPositionSticks McGhee
2017Brooks BerryEddie HeywoodIrving JonesLouis CollinsPositionsstories
 3    32 20 bluesBrother Claude ElyEddie KirklandIsaiah NettlesLouis Hayesposters Streamline Special
369th InfantryBrother John SellersEddie LangIshmon BraceyLouis JordanPracticingstreet musicians
 5    508park.orgBrother Son BondsEddie TaylorIsiah NettlesLouis Laskypre-bluesstring bands
51 Highway BluesBrotherhood of the JugEddie WestiTunesLouis MagorPre-War Blues Groupstring bass
 6    6 string banjoBrownie McGheeEdith Johnson  J    J B LenoirLouis MyersPrecious Bryantstrings
61 highway Brownsville Son Bonds Edith North JohnsonJ. R. DykesLouis WashingtonPrecious Lordstrumming
 7    78Bruce BastinEdna PoplinJ. T. AdamsLouise JohnsonPrestigeStuds Terkel
78 QuarterlyBruce ConfortheducationJ. T. SmithLouisianaPrestige BluesvilleStumblin
78 rpmBruce NemerovEdward ThompsonJ. W. WarrenLouisiana JohnnyprewarStumblin'
78rpmBrunoEl MorrowJ. WilsonLouisiana RedPrince Albert Hunt Stumblin' Andy K
78sBubba Lee TorrenceElder Charles BeckJ.B. SmithLovie AustinPrisonsStump Johnson
 8    8 bar bluesbuck danceElder J. E. BurchJ.C. Burrislow tuning and guitar necksproduct namesStyle
8 string lap steel Buck Mountain BandEleanor EllisJ.D. ShortLowe StokesProf Scratchysubmarine
 9    95 BluesBud Grantelectric book lessonsJ.E. MainerLowell FulsonProfessor Longhairsubtitles
 A    A capellaBud Spireselectric slide guitarJ.P. NestorLPprofessor scratchySugar Underwood
A positionBud Whiteelectrical recordingJ.T. AdamsLRCProper RecordsSugarcane Harris
Aaron SparksBuddy Boy HawkinsElester AndersonJ.T. SmithLuches Kessingerprotest songsSun blues
abandoned cemeteriesBuddy BrownElga EdmondsJ.W. WarrenLucille Boganprovenance Sun Don't Shine
Abe McNeilBuddy ChristianEli FramerJab JonesLucious CurtisPruitt Twinssun gone down blues
Abner JayBuddy GuyElijah AveryJabo WilliamsLuke JordanPT Sunny Wilson
acapellaBuddy MossElijah BrownJack DempseyLuther HuffPT 2020Sunnyland Slim
AccordionBuell KazeeElijah JonesJack ElliottLuther Magbypwbgsupertone
Ace RecordsBuick 6Elijah WaldJack Gowdlockluthier  Q    quartetSuzy Thompson
acousticBukka WhiteElizabeth CottenJack KellyLynn FoddrellQuillian BrothersSvang
Acoustic BluesBull City RedElizabeth LaprelleJack of DiamondslyricsquillsSweet Papa Stovepipe
Acoustic Guitar MagazineBumble Bee SlimElla Mae WilsonJack Owens  M    Ma RaineyquotesSweet Papa Tadpole
ad designersbumblee beeElla SpeedJack WhiteMabel Robinson  R    R L Burnsideswing
Ad FoxBurnett and RutherfordElmer SnowdenJack Xerxes FussellMable HilleryR. CrumbSylvester Cotton
ad graphicsbuskingElmer Williamsjackson mississippi bluesMaceo MerriweatherR. L. BurnsideSylvester Palmer
Ada BrownBuster "Buzz" EzellElmore JamesJacques DemetreMacIntosh County Shouters R. T. HanenSylvester Weaver
Adam FranklinBuster BrownElvie ThomasJailhouse BluesMack McCormackR.L. Boyce  T    T-Bone Walker
Adelphi RecordsBuster PickensElvis PresleyjakeMack McCormickR.L. BurnsideT-Model Ford
Adirondack SpruceButch CageElzadie RobinsonJake JonesMacon EdRab NoakesT.G. Rockwell
Adventures in ...Butterbeans and SusieEmery GlenJames ClarkMadelyn JamesRabbit BrownTAB
AFBFByrd MooreEmmett MurrayJames ColeMae GloverRabbit Musetabasco
AfricaByther SmithEmry ArthurJames FountymagazinesRabon Delmoretablature
african american  C    C positionEric BibbJames Henry DiggsMakin' Baconrace recordstabledit
African American MusicC tuningEric ThompsonJames LowryMaliracketeer bluestablet
African musicC. J. AndersonEric Von SchmidtJames P. HarrisMamie SmithradioTabs
African musicC.C. RichardsonErnest JohnsonJames P. JohnsonMamlish Recordsrag bluestags
Ahura MazdaC.C. RiderErnest RodgersJames Putmonman trouble bluesrag loreTake Me Back
Al Caseycafe societyErnest StonemanJames Reese EuropeMance LipscombRag TimeTalking Billy Anderson
Al DexterCairoErnie HawkinsJames RobinsonMance Lipscomb lyricsragatalking blues
Al MillerCajunErwin HelferJames Son ThomasMance Lipscomb VOlume 1 and 2 ragged and dirtyTallahassee Tight
Alabama bluesman not Arkansascajun musicEstil BallJames TurnerManciniraggin the bluesTampa Joe
Alabama BoogieCal SmithEthel WatersJapanmandocelloragtimeTampa Kid
alabama jubliecaldoniaethnomusicologistsJas Obrechtmandolinragtime guitarTampa Red
Alabama mancalendarEtta BakerJaybird Colemanmandolin other violinRagtime TexasTarheel Slim
Alabama Prison Bluescalifornia desert bluesEugene PowellJaydee Shortmandolin-banjoRailroad BillTarter & Gay
Alabama SheiksCalifornia RamblersEugene RhodesjazzmandolinbluesRainbow QuestTarter & Gay
AladdinCalvin FrazierEuro Blues Weekjazz chordsMarc SilberRaleigh Prison RecordingsTary Owens
Alan BalfourCamdenEurope Jazz DanceMarcel ChauvardRalph LemboTCI Section Gang
Alan LomaxcameraeuroweenieJazz GillumMaria D'AmatoRalph MillerTeacher
Alan WilsonCanEven Dozen Jug BandJazz InformationMaria Muldaur Ralph Peertechinque
Albanie FallettaCan You Blame The Colored ManEverybody's BluesJB LenoirMarie KnightRalph WillisTechniques
Albert AmmonsCanned Heat BluesEvolution MamaJC GrimshawmarijuanaRamblin ThomasTed Bogan
Albert Lavada DurstCannon's Jug Stompersewan d. rodgersJD ShortMark BlaesingRamblin' ThomasTed Gioia
Albert Macon capo  F    F position Jean StearnsMarshall OwensRambling ThomasTed Hawkins
Albert McCoycaposFacebook Livejean-paul batailleMarshall StearnsRanie BurnetteTeddy Darby
Albert SampleCapt. BlissFaculty ListJed DavenportMartha CopelandRansom KnowlingTeddy Edwards
Alberta HunterCar MartinfamiliesJeff HealeyMartinRay CharlesTeddy Williams
Albertine KingCareless LoveFamous Hokum BoysJelly BellyMartin CarthyRay Stubbstefview
Alden BunnCarey BellfandalismJelly Jaw ShortMartin GrosswendtRaymond Barrowtelescope chord
Alec JohnsonCarl DavisFannie and James BrewerJelly Roll jonesMartin GuitarsrcrumbTennessee Tom
Alec SewardCarl HodgesFannie May GoosbyJelly Roll Mortonmartin mullReaves White County RamblersTenor Banjo
Aletha DickersonCarl MartinFannin StreetJennie Mae ClaytonMarvin Foddrellrecommended recordingstenor guitar
Aletha RobinsonCarl Van Vechtenfast and funkyJenny PopeMary JohnsonRecordTerra Blues
Alex KnoxCarlos FunkFat PossumJeremy DunkleyMary Schaaprecord labelterraplane
Alex MooreCarolina BuddiesFats DominoJerronMary StaffordRecord ResearchTerry Zwigoff
Alex RobinsonCarolina Chocolate DropsFats WallerJerron PaxtonMary Willisrecord reviewsTest
Alex van der TuukCarolina SlimFavillaJerry ReedMarybeth HamiltonrecordingTestament
Alexis KornerCarolina Tar HeelsFerdinand ChatmonJerry Ricksmasteringrecording informationTestament Records
Alfred ElkinsCarolina TwinsfiddleJerrys RecordsMatchboxRecording KingTex Logan
Alfred ElkinsCarter BrothersFiddle TunesJesse ColemanMatt MiltonRecording King GuitarsTex Ritter
Alfred KarnesCarter Brothers and SonFiddlin' Arthur SmithJesse ElleryMatthew and Mark Littlerecording monickersTexas
Alfred LewisCarter FamilyFiddlin' Joe MartinJesse FullerMatthew Praterrecording techniquesTexas Alexander
Alfred MartinCasey Bill lap stylefield recordingsJesse JamesMattie DelaneyRecordsTexas prison songs
Alfred SteagallCasey Bill WeldonField tripJesse JohnsonMattie Delaney researchRecreation vs InterpretationTexas Sheiks
Algia Mae HintonCasey JonesFields WardJesse Lee VortisMavis StaplesRed CravensThe Back Porch Boys
AliascassettesfilmsJesse LoganMaxwell StreetRed Hot Old Man MoseThe Devil's Music
Alice MooreCat IronFingerpicksJesse ThomasMaxwell Street JimmyRed NelsonThe Dozens
All Around Mancategoriesfingerstyle guitarJesse WadleyMaybelle CarterRed River BluesThe Early Morning Sheiks
Allen Brotherscategorization flacJessie Clarence GormanMaylon HarneyRedboneThe Four Blackamoors
Allen ShawcategoryFlaco JimenezJessie Mae Hemphill McDonald CraigReese CrenshawThe High Steppin Muskrats
Allison MathisCatfishFlammang guitarJewell LongMcKinley PeeblesReese Du PreeThe Jolly Two
Alonzo Boonecatfish bluesflappers dictionaryJim & BobMcWilliamRegalThe Little Brothers
Alternate TakesCatfish Keithflat VIJim BaxterMeade Lux LewisReggie MilesThe Louisiana Sessions
Alton DelmoreCatfish LabelflatpickingJim Bruce mechanicalreligiousThe Meters
Alvin Youngblood HartCatjuice CharliefleeingJim Bunkleymechanical licenseRemasteredThe Mississippi Sheiks
Amanda SortierCavaquinhoFlinthillJim Canaan'smedicine showrepertoireThe Monongahela sheik
Amédé ArdoinCBS Oddyssy TV showfloodsJim HillMemphisRepublic Resonator guitarsThe Pebbles
Amelia JohnsonCC Rider SOTMFlora MoltonJim JacksonMemphis blues researchThe Two Poor Boys
American EpicCDsFloridaJim KweskinMemphis Gospel SingerresearchThe Union Man
American Folk Blues FestivalCece ConwayFlorida Folklife CollectionJim Kweskin Jug BandMemphis Jug Band research papertheory/analysis
American Folklife Centercecil augustaFloyd CouncilJim NewMemphis MinnieresonatorThey Call Me Talkin' Boy
American SongCecil BarfieldFloyd JonesJimmie GordonMemphis Slimresonator guitarThomas Dorsey
amplificationCecil Gantflying with guitarsJimmie OwensMemphis Willie B. resophonicThomas Shaw
And This Is FreeCedar Creek SheikFoddrell BrothersJimmie RodgersMen of Bronze resoukeThomas W. Talley
Andrew And Jim BaxterCedell DavisfolkJimmie StrothersMercy Dee WaltonResponse to RB Thomasina Winslow
Andrew BaxterCelestaphone Folk VideoJimmie TarltonMeredith AxelrodretuningThomasina Winslow
Andrew CohencemeteryfolkloreJimmy BertrandMerle TravisRev Robert WilkinsThree Stripped Gears
Andrew DunhamCentral Coast Blues SocietyfolkloristsJimmy BlytheMerline JohnsonRev. Edward ClaybornThree Tobacco Tags
androidCentrumFolkwaysRecordsJimmy BorsdorfmetaphorRev. Edward W. Claybornthug pop
Andy BoyCephasFonzo CannonJimmy BrownMi Amigo CarlosRev. Gary Davisthumb
Andy CohenCephas & Wigginsfoot percussionJimmy CarterMichael BloomfieldRev. I.B. WareTicket Agent Blues
Andy MosleyChampagne CharlieFootageJimmy CoxMichael Jerome BrowneRev. John WilkinsTiny Parham
Angela MackChampion Jack DupreeForehandJimmy Dawkins obitsMichael MesserRev. Leon Pinsontiple
AngelinaChampion RecordsForest City JoeJimmy Duck HolmesMichael TaftRev. Pearly BrownTitanic
Angelina GrimshawChamplin GuitarsForgotten BluesJimmy Lee HarrisMick KnightRev. Rassie Mooretoasts
Angie Mack ReillchangeformulaJimmy Lee WilliamsmicrophoneRev. Utah SmithTodalo
Anglin BrothersChapel HillFort Valley Music FestivalJimmy Murphymike c martinreverend gary davisTodalo Shakers
Ann SortierCharles AveryFort Valley State CollegeJimmy RogersMike CooperReviewTodd Cambio
Anna Lomax WoodCharles Burnett Fort WordenJimmy RushingMike DowlingRhiannon GiddensTodd Harvey
Annabelle LeeCharles CaldwellfotdellaJimmy T-99 NelsonMike HoffmanrhythmTom Ashley
Anne GrahamCharles JohnsonFOTMJimmy ThackeryMike LeadbitterRhythm guitarTom Bell
Annie RainesCharles SegarFrancis Wilford SmithJimmy YanceyMike MartinRhythm WillieTom Bradford
Annye AndersonCharles WashingtonFrank BoomJo Ann KellyMike SeegerRice MillerTom Darby
anti-war bluesCharles WolfeFrank BrasswellJoe BellulovichMike SheaRich DelGrossoTom Dickson
AppalachiaCharley HicksFrank EdwardsJoe BussardMilas PruittRich TriceTom Dorsey
appsCharley JordanFrank EvansJoe CallicottMildred WhiteRichard Hacksaw HarneyTom Dotson
ARCCharley LincolnFrank FordJoe DeanMiles PratcherRichard M. JonesTom Feldmann
Archie EdwardsCharley PattonFrank FotuskyJoe EvansMiles PruittRichard NevinsTom Maxwell
Archived collectionscharley stoneFrank HovingtonJoe FiliskoMilestone RecordsRichard PolenbergTom Paley
ArcolaCharley TaylorFrank HutchisonJoe HarrisMilton RobyRichard ThomasTom Shaw
Arcola RecordsCharlie "Dad" NelsonFrank SchaapJoe HolmesMilton SparksRichard TriceTom Turner
ArhoolieCharlie BookerFrank StokesJoe LeeMiniolianRichard WilliamsTom Webb
Arhoolie DocumentCharlie BurseFrank TannehillJoe LinthecomeMinnie WallaceRick FranklinTommie Bradley
Arhoolie RecordsCharlie ButlerFrank WellingJoe McCoyminor bluesRick Ruskin tommy george
Ari EisingerCharlie CampbellFrankieJoe Passminor chordsRick SellensTommy Jarrell
arizonadranesCharlie HicksFrankie and JohnnyJoe Pullumminstrelsyright handTommy Johnson
Arkansas Johnny ToddCharlie JordanFrankie BasileJoe RobinsonMiss the Mississippi and YouRiley PuckettTommy McClennan
arlotoneCharlie KyleFrankie JaxonJoe StoneMississippirising river bluesTompkins Square label
Arnie CaplinCharlie LincolnFrankie Lee SimsJoe TownsendMississippi BlacksnakesRiver line BluesTonk American
Arnold SchultzCharlie MansonFrannie LeopoldJoe Turner Mississippi BluesRLTonk Brothers
Arnold WatsonCharlie McCoyFrauliniJoe WilliamsMississippi BluesRob CooperTony Glover
Arnold WileyCharlie MonroeFraulini GuitarsJoel HopkinsMississippi BraceyRobert BelfourTony Hollins
arrangementsCharlie Patton Fred GerlachJohn BishopMississippi Fred McDowellRobert CookseyTony Rice
Art LaiblyCharlie PickettFred McDowellJohn BrayMississippi Hill CountryRobert CremerTony Russell
Art RosenbaumCharlie PierceFred McMullenJohn Byrd mississippi jail house groanRobert CrumbTrain Blues
Art SatherelyCharlie PooleFreddie ColeJohn CephasMississippi John HurtRobert Curtis Smithtrain songs, railroad songs
Arteleus MistricCharlie SaylesFreddie KeppardJohn CohenMississippi MatildaRobert Davistranscription by ear
Arthur BellCharlie SlocumFreddie SpruellJohn CopelandMississippi MoanerRobert Dennistransducer
Arthur CrudupCharlie SpandFreddy KingJohn CowleyMississippi Mud SteppersRobert Diggstravel
Arthur McClainCharlie TurnerFrederick RamseyJohn D FosterMississippi RecordsRobert GordonTricky Sam
Arthur PettiesCharlie WestFreeman StowersJohn D. FoxMississippi SheiksRobert Hicks tricone
Arthur PettisChasey CollinsFreezoneJohn Dee HolmanMissississippi Mud SteppersRobert Johnsontriolian
Arthur SmithChattahoocheeFreshetJohn DilleshawmoaningRobert Johnson phototritones
Arthur WestonCheapfeetFretboard JournalJohn DudleyMojo BufordRobert Lee McCoyTrix Records
Arthur Wyrickchester bluesFritz RichmondJohn EstesMonkey JoeRobert Lee WestmorelandTrixie Smith
ArticleChicagoFrog RecordsJohn FaheyMonongahela SheikRobert Leecantrouble blues
articlesChicago Bluesfest 2007 JuneFrom Four Until LateJohn GarstMonroe BrothersRobert Lockwoodtrouble hearted blues
Arvella GrayChicago DefenderFruit Jar GuzzlersJohn GrevenMonroe GevedonRobert Lockwood JrTrouble In Mind
Arville ReedChina PoplinFunny Papa SmithJohn HammondMontana TaylorRobert Lockwood Jr.truck
Arzo Youngbloodchord theoryFurry LewisJohn Hammond ProducerMooch RichardsonRobert LongstreetTrumpet Records
Asa Martinchords  G    G positionJohn HardyMorganfieldRobert Lowerytuba
Ash GroveChris Barberg tuningJohn Hartford Morgon MonroeRobert McCoytube amp
Ashley ThompsonChris BerryG. B. Grayson John Heneghanmorning star blues bayrum78Robert Nighthawktunes
Ashley Thompson InterviewChris BouchillonG6 tuningJohn HeneghanMorris Brothers Robert Peeplestuning
Asie PaytonChris StrachwitzGabriel BrownJohn HenryMose AndrewsRobert Peeplestuning stylists
Atkin GuitarsChristiaan OyensGaither CarltonJohn Henry BarbeeMose RagerRobert Pete Williamstunings
Atlanta christian stanfieldgambling songsJohn Henry FortescueMose VinsonRobert Petwayturnarounds
Atlanta StringChristopher KingGang Wolf Lightnin' John HowMoses AschRobert PruterTurner Foddrell
Atlanta Twelve 12 StringChuck DarlinggardeningJohn Hurt Moses MasonRobert SandersTurner Junior Johnson
audioChump Man BluesGarfield AkersJohn JacksonMoses MasonRobert ShawTurner Parrish
audio restorationchurch bells bluesGarley FosterJohn Jackson - CambridgeMoses WilliamsRobert Summersturntable
augusta crawfordcigar box guitarGary DavisJohn Jacob NilesMother McCollumRobert Thomastutor dvd
aunt caroline dyer blues CincinnatiGatemouth BrownJohn JeremyMott WillisRobert Tillingtutorial
Austen Petecircle of 5thsGatorzillaJohn KoernerMournin' BluesRobert WilkinsTweedy Brothers
Austin AllenCisco HoustonGaye AdegbalolaJohn LeemovieRoberta Freund SchwartzTwelves
Australian custom guitarsClara MorrisGayle Dean WardlowJohn Lee Grandersonmp3Robertson DaviesTwo Gospel Keys
Avery BradyClara SmithGeeshie WileyJohn Lee HookerMr BonesrockTwo Poor Boys
avianClare MillinerGene AutryJohn Lee WilliamsonMr.rock'n'roll rootsTY
Axel KüstnerClarence AshleyGene CampbellJohn Lee ZieglerMr. Jelly RollRockabilly compilation  U    Uaroy Graves
Aziza BrahimClarence EdwardsGene DeitchJohn LittlejohnMr. O'MuckRoger GarnettUCSB Cylinder Aido Archive
 B    B positionClarence GreenGenial HawaiiansJohn LomaxMr.O'MuckRoger Hubbarduk blues
B. F. SheltonClarence GreenegenreJohn McGheemrjellyrollRoger MatthewsUK blues gigs
B.B. KingClarence HarmonGeoff MuldaurJohn MillerMuddy Watersrogueuk gigs
Babe StovallClarence SmithGeorge BarnesJohn MooneyMuireann BradleyRomeo NelsonUkewind
Baby Boy WarrenClarence WhiteGeorge BoldwinJohn Nova LomaxmunichRonnie Moipolaiukulele
Baby TateClarence WilliamsGeorge Bullet Williams John Paul BlackmanmurderRoosevelt Antrim ukulele
backwoodsClark KessingerGeorge CarterJohn Quincy Wolfmurder balladsRoosevelt Charlesukulele blues
bad notion bluesclassic bluesGeorge Henry BusseyJohn SzwedMurray LernerRoosevelt GravesUncle Bud Landress
bad temper joeClaude HopkinsGeorge HiggsJohn TeftellermusicRoosevelt HoltsUncle Bud Russell
Bailey and Brown recordingsClayton McMichenGeorge MitchellJohn Tinsleymusic campRoosevelt SykesUncle Bud Walker
Bailey/BrownClearing House BluesGeorge Mitchell RecordingsJohn Workmusic scoutsRoosevelt's BluesUncle Dave Macon
balladCliff CarlisleGeorge MontgomeryJohnie Lewismusic theoryRoots and RhythmUnfinished Business
balladsCliff ScottGeorge NobleJohnnie JohnsonMusic Trade Reviewrope stretchin' bluesUnissued Recordings
Bama StuartClifford GibsonGeorge OwensJohnnie Templemy baby's goneRory Blockuniversity of mississippi
banana in your fruitbasketClifford HayesGeorge PaulusJohnny BeckMy Black MamaRosa HendersonUnknown guitar accompanist
Bang Bang BoomClint HowardGeorge PegramJohnny BrownMy Creole BelleRosa Lee Hillunmarked grave
BanglinclubsGeorge PerkinsJohnny DickinsonMyrt HolmesRosa Lee Watsonunwound third string
banjoClyde CauseyGeorge ReneauJohnny DoddsMyrtle JenkinsRoscoe HolcombUpdate on document Status
banjo bluesClyde MaxwellGeorge ToreyJohnny HinesMyrtle VermillionRosetta Reitz  V    Vale
banjo guitarCocaineGeorge W. ThomasJohnny HowardMystery TitlesRosetta TharpeVentresco Falletta
Banjo Ikey RobinsonCocaine BluesGeorge W. WalkerJohnny JonesmzmfRosie Mae MooreVera Hall
banjo mandolinCofer BrothersGeorge WilliamsJohnny Nicholas  N    N.C.Routledge Blues BibliographyVernon Dalhart
banjo ukeCognac Blues Passions festivalGeorgiaJohnny ParthNap HayesRoutledge EncyclopediaVernon Layton
banjo ukuleleCohenGeorgia BoundJohnny ShinesNapoleon Hayes rowdy bluesVestapol
banjochrisCold Wave BluesGeorgia Cotton PickersJohnny St. CyrNappy Head BluesRoy Book Bindervibrato
Barbara Danecold woman bluesGeorgia CrackersJohnny TempleNat JosephRoy BookbinderVictor Records
barbecueColey JonesGeorgia Sea Island SingersJohnny WoodsNat ReeseRoy HarveyVictoria Spivey
Barbecue BobcollectingGeorgia SlimJohnny YoungNate LayneRoy Smeckvideo
Barefoot BillColson WhiteheadGeorgia TomJohnson Nelson PorkchopNathan Abshirerskkzvideo on youtube
Barrelhouse AnniecolumbiariverGeorgia WhiteJolly TwoNathan BeauregardRube Laceyviewer
Barrelhouse Buck McFarlandcomedyGeorgia Yellow HammersJontavius WillisNationalRube Lacyvillage store
Barry Mitterhoff concertGerard GiletJorma KaukonenNational EndowmentRubin LacyViola James
Bascom Lamar LunsfordconcertGibson guitarsJoseph FalconNational guitarsRuby LomaxViola Lee Blues
baseball bluesconcordanceGibson L-00Joseph SpenceNational ResonatorRuby SmithVirgil Anderson
bass canoConnie Williams Gibson L-1Josh GravesNeal PatmanRuby WalkerVirgil Childers
bass guitarCootie Stark Gibson L-2Josh WhiteNeal PattmanRufus QuillianVirgil Perkins
Batsoncopyrightgibson L3Joshua Altheimer Neal RobertsRufus ThomasVirginia
bawdybluesCora Mae Bryant Gibson LCJosie BushNehiRuth WillisVirginia Bracey
Bayless RoseCorey Harris Gibson Nick LucasJr.New GuitarRy CooderVirginia Liston
bayrum78Corinna Gid TannerJSP RecordsNew Lost City Ramblers  S    Sahel Callingvocal duet
bayrum78Cornelius BrightGid TannerJudge RileyNew OrleansSalty Dogvocal groups
BB KingCorona virus giggingJudson Brown New YorksalvationVocal phrasing
BBCcountrygigsjugNewport Folk FestivalsSam BrooksVocal range
Be Mine BluesCountry bluesgigs in octoberjug band Newport News BluesSam ButlerVocalion
Beale Streetcountry blues mastergigs in septemberjugbandNewton GainesSam ChartersVogue Records
Beale Street SheiksCountry Jimgiles oakleyjukeNick KatzmanSam ChatmonVol Stevens
Beans HamboneCountry PaulGiletJuke Boy BonnerNick LucasSam Collins  W    W.C. Handy
Bear FamilyCounty RecordsGilet custom guitarsjuke jointsNick PerlsSam GaryWade Mainer
Beggin' BackCousin JoeGoin Down Slow Juldeh CamaraNigel WestSam Hill from LouisvilleWade Walton
Belton ReeseCousins & DemossGold StarJulius DanielsNite Owls and Helen HuntSam McGeeWade Ward
Belton SutherlandCow Cow DavenportGone West BluesjumboNitta Yuma CemeterySam MitchellWallace Chains
Ben AndrewscowboyGood CoffeehouseJump JacksonNitty Gritty Dirt BandSam MontgomeryWalt Koken
Ben CurryCoyote Slimgospel jumpin and shoutin the bluesNoah LewisSamantha BumgarnerWalter Barnes
Ben QuillianCraig Ventrescogourd banjoJunior KimbroughNobody's BusinessSammy HillWalter Beasley
Ben RameyCreating a 78 shellacGraftonJunior ManceNobro Resophonic GuitarsSammy PriceWalter Cole
Ben ShahnCripple Clarence LoftonGraham HineJunior WellsNolan PorterfieldSampson PittmanWalter Coleman
Benefit Concertscross noteGrammyJust a Dreamnon-opposing right handSamuel AdamsWalter Davis
Bengt Olssoncross note tuning grand concert guitarJust BecauseNorman WoodlieffSamuel ChartersWalter Horton
BentoniacrossnoteGrant DermodyJustin Adams notationSamuel JamesWalter Jacobs
Berea Collegecrossroadsgrave  K    K&KNovember 21stSara MartinWalter Miller
Bert Janschcrouch hillGrave inscriptionK. C. Douglas NRPSaturday BluesWalter Morris
Bert LoganCrow Jane Gravel Camp BluesK. D. JohnsonNugrape TwinsSauceWalter Rhodes
Bert M Mayscrowing roostergravel camp bluesKalamazooNyles JonessausageWalter Roland
Bert WilliamscrumbGreen PaschalKalamazoo guitars  O    Oahu GuitarsSausage GrinderWalter Smith
Bertha Chippie HillCub WyseGreil Marcuskansas city bluesObituarySawWalter Taylor
Bertha HendersonCubaGrevenKansas Joe McCoyobscurescalesWalter Vincson
bertha leeCunninghamGuatemalaKaren Daltonoctave G stringScarlett 2i2Walter Vinson
Bertha TaggartCurley WeaverGuernseyKatrina Bluesoctave stringsScott Dunbarwaltzes
Berzilla WallinCurtis Jones Guido van RijnkazooOdell HarrisScott R. Nelsonwar
Bess Lomax HawesCylinder recordingsGuido Van RijnKC Railroad BluesOdell SmithScottdale String Bandwardlow
Bessie Jackson  D    D position standard tuningGuild GuitarsKeith MillerOdettaScotty AndersonWarren Argo
Bessie Johnson D tuningguitarKelly HarrellOh you son of a gunScotty MooreWash Hamp
Bessie Jonesd.h. bert bilbroguitar duetKen BurnsOJLScrapper Blackwellwashboard
Bessie SmithDad NelsonGuitar GabrielKenny BakerOKEH RecordssearchWashboard Sam
Bessie TuckerDad Tracyguitar lessonsKenny Brownold dog blueSears RoebuckWashboard Walter
bibliographiesDaddy Hotcakes guitar licksKenny HallOld Hat RecordsSecond-hand guitarsWashington Phillips
Big Al CalhounDaddy StovepipeGuitar NubbitKeno Pipesold timeSee See RiderWaterloo Guitars
Big Bill Broonzydaddystovepipeguitar playerKentucky Ramblersold-timeSeegerWatson Family
Big Boy daddystovepipe Guitar RagKeyOllie GriffinsegregationWaxwing John
Big Boy Henrydaddystovepipe cdguitar repairKey of COllie RupertSerious Sam BarrettWB Reid
Big Boy Teddy EdwardsDaisy Martin guitar riffsKG-14Ollis MartinSeth RichardWC Handy
Big Chief EllisDallas BluesGuitar ShortyKid BaileyoNShady Lane BluesWebster Taylor
Big Joe DuskinDallas JonesGuitar SlimKid Beecherone man bands shaggy hound bluesWeenie Juke
Big Joe TurnerDallas String Bandguitar stringKid Coleopen dShe can moves it just rightWeenie Juke Radio
Big Joe WilliamsDan Del SantoGuitar WelchKid Ernestopen D tuningShe's TroubleWeenie YouTube channel
Big MaceoDan GellertgunsKid Prince Mooreopen Gsheet musicWeeniepedia
Big Mama ThorntonDan HicksGus CannonKid Spoonsopen g minor SheffieldWenatchee Mountaineers
Big Road Blues RadioDan KildareGus Cannon Jug StompersKilby Snow open tuning or closed tuningSheffieldWesley Long
Big Rock Candy MountainDan PickettGus GibsonkiltrakidorderingSheldon HarrisWesley Wallace
Big Walter HortonDan SaneGuy B. JohnsonKim Basileoriginal bluesShelly Lee Alley when the train comes along
Big Walter HortonDan SmithGuy DavisKind Hearted Womanoriginal songSherman LawsonWhere the sun never goes down
Bill ChitwooddanceGwen FosterKing David's Jug Bandoriginal songsShirley CollinsWhistlin Willies
Bill CoxDanny BarnesGwin FosterKing David's JugbandOriginsShirley GriffithWhistlin' Alex Moore
Bill DriverDanny Paisley  H    H.C. SpeirKing OliverOrna BallShirley Griffith LiveWhistling Alex Moore
Bill GaitherDarby and TarltonHacksaw HarneyKing Solomon HillOrnette ColemanShlomo and Juliewhite oak
Bill JacksonDave & HowardhairKinks Ray DaviesOrville JohnsonShortstuff MaconWhy records sold
Bill LandfordDave Dickerson Ham Hound CraveKip LornellOscar Cartershoulder tap recordswiki
Bill MonroeDave KingHambone Willie NewbernKirk McGeeOscar SchmidtShovel the SongsterWilbert Andrews
Bill MooreDave RayHammie NixonKit StovepipeOscar Woodsshows Wiley Barner
Bill OBryantDave Van RonkhampshireKitty BrownOthar TurnerShreveportWiley Morris
Bill SettlesDavey GrahamHank WilliamsknifeOtis BrothersshuffleWill Batts
Bill TatnallDavid Broadhardwareknockin bluesOtis HarrisSid HarkreaderWill Bennett
Bill WeinerDavid BrombergHarlem HamfatsKoernerOtis RushSid HemphillWill Day
Bill WilberDavid EdwardsHarlem HellfightersKokomo ArnoldOtis SpannSide Street SteppersWill Ezell
Bill WilliamsDavid EvansharmonicaKRABOtis TaylorSierra LeoneWill Hatcher
Billiken Johnsondavid evans collectionHarmonica Frank FloydKurt WeillOtis Webstersilver city boundWill Scarl
Billy AllardyceDavid Lindleyharmony singing  L    L-00Otto VirgialSimmie DooleyWill Shade
Billy BirdDavid McCarnHarmony SovereignL. C. Williams  P    pacificnorthwestSimon FieldWill Slayden
Billy Boy ArnoldDavid Millerharmony sovereign H1203L.C. GreenPalmer McAbeeSimon NapierWill Weldon
Bind Willie JohnsonDavid NewtonharpLake HowardPanama LimitedSimon PragerWilliam and Versey Smith
Bing CrosbyDavid WylieHarry ChatmonLand of the Sky RadioPapa Charlie Jacksonsinging and playingWilliam Blake
Biographdead crop bluesHarry GayLanders WallerPapa Do Do BluesSister O. M. TerrellWilliam Brown
Biograph recordsDearmond PickupHarry OsterLane HardinPapa Egg ShellSister Rosetta TharpeWilliam Bunch
birdDeath AlleyHarry SmithLangston HughesPapa Eggshellsix string banjoWilliam Carradine
Birdman Recordsdeath certificateHarum Scarumlap steelPapa Harvey HullSkidmore & WalkerWilliam Do Boy Diamond
Birmingham Jug BandDebs MaysHastings UKlapsteelPapa John Creach Skillet LickersWilliam Grant
biscuitDeFord BaileyhatslapstylePapa LemonSkip JamesWilliam Harris
Bishop Perry TillisDekalb BluesHattie HartLarrivee GuitarsParamountSkoodle Dum DooWilliam McCoy
Black AceDel ReyHauverLarry JohnsonParamount All StarsSkoodle Dum Doo and SheffieldWilliam Mitchell
Black BobDeliaHawaiianLast Kind Word lyricsParamount boxslangWilliam Moore
Black Bottom McPhailDelmark RecordsHawkwindLattie MurrellParamount Recordsslave songsWilliam Robertson
Black Boy ShineDelmore BrothersHayes McMullanLaura BowmanParchman FarmSleepy John EstesWilliam Stewart
Black Brown and WhiteDeltaheadstonesLaura Dukesparlez vous bluesslideWillie B. James
Black PattiDelta Big Fourhearing aidsLauren Premoparlor slide festivalWillie B. Thomas
BlasphemyDelta Bluesheismystorylaurens scparlor guitarslide guitarWillie Baker
Blind Alfred ReedDena EpsteinHelen HumesLawrence CaseyParlor Guitar RepertoireSlidin DeltaWillie Bee James
Blind BlakeDennis CrumptonHenderson ChatmonLawrence Gellertparlour guitarSlim DuckettWillie Big Eyes Smith
Blind BoyDennis McGeeHenrietta YurchencoLawrence Gellert recordingsPart 2: The Signature LickSlim Duckett & Pig NorwoodWillie Blackwell
Blind Boy FullerDennis McMillonHenry ArthurLazy Bill Lucaspassed awaySlim HarpoWillie Borum
Blind Boy PaxtonDennis SegarHenry BrownLazy Bug BluesPat ConteSloppy Drunk BluesWillie Brown
Blind Connie Williamsdetermining the tuningHenry GreenleadPat HareSloppy HenryWillie Dixon
Blind Gussie NesbitDevilHenry JohnsonLead BellyPat Thomas slotted headstockWillie Doss
Blind Jesse HarrisDevin ChamplinHenry LedbetterLeadbellyPatrick Skyslow bluesWillie Flowers
Blind JoeDewey CorleyHenry SloanLedbetterPaul GaronSluefoot JoeWillie Ford
Blind Joe ReynoldsDewey TerryHenry Son SimsLee AllenPaul GeremiaSmilbyWillie Harris
Blind Joe TaggartDick BurnettHenry SpauldingLee BrownPaul MotianSmith CaseyWillie Hatcher
Blind John DavisDick JusticeHenry StuckeyLee CooperPaul OliverSmithsonianWillie James
Blind Lemon JeffersonDick SpottswoodHenry ThomasLee GreenPaul OscherSmithsonian FolkwaysWillie King
Blind Leroy GarnettDick WatermanHenry TownsendLee HunsuckerPaul RishellSmokey HoggWillie Lane
Blind Percy and His Blind Banddiddley bowHenry WhitterLee MorganPaul VernonSmokey WilsonWillie Lee Harris
Blind Petedifficult listeningHenry WilliamsLee MorsePaxtonSmoky BabeWillie Lofton
Blind Roosevelt GravesDigging My Potatoeshenry's worry bluesLeecan & CookseyPearl DicksonSmoky HarrisonWillie Love
Blind Teddy Darbydiminished chordsHerman E. JohnsonLeecan & CookseyPeetie WheatstrawsnakesWillie Mabon
Blind Will Dukesdirty deal bluesHerve DuersonLemon NashPeg Leg HowellSnooks EaglinWillie Mae Ford Smith
Blind Willie DavisdiscographiesHesitating BluesLemuel TurnerPeg Leg SamSnooky PryorWillie Mae Williams
Blind Willie HarrisDixielandHesitation BluesLena HughesPenal Farm BluesSnoozer QuinnWillie McTell
Blind Willie JohnsonDixieland Jug BlowersHezekiah JenkinsLeola B. WilsonPenguin Guide to Bluessod throwin' bluesWillie Nix
Blind Willie McTellDixon BrothersHi Henry BrownLeonpentatonic scalessoftwareWillie P. Bennett
Blind Willie ReynoldsdobroHigh Steppin' MuskratsLeon Bentonperfect pitchSomebody Stole My JaneWillie Reed
Blue GooseDoc ReedHill countryLeon Pinsonperformanceson and frank houseWillie Salomon
Blue Goose Recording ArtistDoc WatsonHill Country BluesLeon RedbonePernell CharitySon BeckyWillie Tango
Blue Horizon RecordsDoc WhiteHill Country InstructionLeon StricklandPerry BradfordSon BrimmerWillie Trice
Bluebird guitarDock BoggshillbillyLeonard ChessPetSon HouseWillie Walker
Bluebird RecordsDock WalshhistoryLeonard RutherfordPete FranklinSon JoeWillie Williams
bluegrass mandolinDoctor ClaytonHobart SmithLeroy CampbellPete Hamptonsong identificationWillis Lawrence James
BluesDocument RecordsHogman MaxeyLeroy CarrPete Harrissong interpreterWilly Mae
Blues #2Document remasters sped up?Hohner Blue MidnightLeroy CarterPete Johnsonsong-writingWilmer Watts
Blues & RhythmDocumentaryHohner Marine BandLeroy GravesPete LowrySongwriterWilson Jones
Blues and Gospel Records doing a stretch hokumLeroy PickettPete Pigmeat SmithsongwritingWim Wenders
Blues Around MidnightdolceolaHokum BoysLes BlankPete SeegerSonny Boy NelsonWinston Holmes
Blues Classics RecordsDom FlemonsHokum Hotshotsles Oeufs)Pete WeldingSonny Boy RogersWirz
Blues FoundationDon and DeweyHollywood CemeteryLesley RiddlePeter C. MuirSonny Boy WilliamsonWiz Jones
blues gigsDon VappieHoly Modal RounderslessonPeter Crow C.Sonny Boy Williamson IIwolf tones
blues gigs in the UKDon't Love That Womanhome recordingslessonsPeter GreenSonny Joneswoman woman blues
blues gigs ukDopyeraHomer HarrisLester McFarlandPeter Joe ClaytonSonny Rollinswomen
Blues HarpDora CarrHomesick JamesLester MelrosePeter WarfieldSonny ScottWoody Guthrie
Blues ImagesDorothy ScarboroughHomespun TapesLet's get Drunk AgainpetercrowcSonny Terrywork song
blues licksDorsey DixonHonest Jon'sLevester CarterPhelpsSooey!Sooey! workshop
Blues Lyrics--InterpretationDot RiceHoney HairLewis BlackPhil WigginsSophie TuckerWorkshop
Blues PollsDoug QuattlebaumHoney HillLewis JonesPhilip McCutcheonSOTMWorkshop and Concerts
Blues Preacher CreightonDoug SuggsHoney in The RockLewis McDanielPhineas Rockmoresoulworld music
blues radioDough Roller BluesHoneyboy EdwardslexiconphoneSoul R&B Your FavoritesWorrying Blues
Blues ResearchDown at the DepothoodooLibba CottenPhonoharpSouth DakotaWorth Long
Blues Revue QuarterlyDown at the StationHop WilsonLibrary Of CongressphonologySouth Memphis String BandWouldn't Mind Dying
blues riffsDown Beat MagazineHorace MalcolmLibrary of Congress RecordingsphotographSouthern Melody BoysWright Holmes
blues ukuleleDown Home BoysHosea WoodsLightnin HopkinsPhotographsSovereignWynonie Harris
Blues UnlimitedDownhome RecordsHouston StackhouseLightnin' HopkinsphotosSovereign arch top  X    xmas
Blues VinylDoyle DykesHoward ArmstrongLightnin' WellspianoSpanish  Y    Yank Rachell
blues workshopDr. ClaytonHoward DixonLightning WellsPiano BluesSpanish Fandangoyazan
BluesabillyDr. Cortez ReeceHoward JohnsonLil Hardin ArmstrongPiano Kid EdwardsSpanish FlangdangYazoo
blueshomeDr. David EvansHoward LongLil JohnsonPicanninny Jug BandSpanish MinorYazoo Advert - C. Patton
Bo CarterDr. HepcatHoward W. OdumLil McClintockpickupsSpanish tuningYazoo County
Bo DiddleyDr. RossHowlin' WolfLil Son Jackson piedmontSpark Plug SmithYazoo Records
Bo Weavil JacksonDressed in RedHowlin' WolfLillian GlinnPiedmontSparks Brothersyellow bee
Bob Calldrinking songsHowling WolfLilly BrothersPiedmont BluesSpeckled Redyou don't know my mind
Bob Campbelldrop D tuningHub MahaffeyLily May LedfordPig NorwoodSpenceyouth
Bob Colemandrop G tuningHubert SumlinLiner NotesPigmeat PeteSpindletop LabelYouTube
Bob DylanDrunken HiccupsHuddieliteraturePigmeat Terryspirituals  Z    Zeke Morris
Bob Gaddydry spell bluesHuddie LedbetterLittle BrotherpigsSpivey RecordsZeno
Bob GardnerduolianhumorLittle Brother MontgomeryPile Driver BluesSpringback JamesZither
Bob Guidaduos  I    I've Grown So UglyLittle Buddy DoylePillie BollingSquare Waltonzoom
Bob Jenkinsdupree bluesIan BuchananLittle Hat JonesPine Top SmithSt LouisZora Neale Hurston
Bob Koester dust my broomIce and Snow BluesLittle Sam DavisPinetop BurksSt Louis BluesZuzu Bollin
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