Country Blues > Weenie Youtube

Announcing the New Weenie Campbell YouTube Channel!

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Announcing the New Weenie Campbell YouTube Channel!

During some recent discussions among the moderators we realized that some of us had some interesting country blues video and audio that we would like to share with the Weenie Campbell community at large, so we have decided to start a YouTube channel.

You can find the channel at and also under the Quick Menu on the left side of the site.

Our intention isn't to make this a one-stop shop for country blues or to duplicate the many channels already out there with great material, but to showcase some unusual items, like out-of-print albums, concert recordings, interviews and other material that might not otherwise have an easy-to-find place to live on the internet.

One thing we won’t be posting: performances by Weenie Campbell forum members – everyone has their own channels for that and videos of course can be shared here in The Back Porch and wherever else on the forum is appropriate.

We may post items that can be found elsewhere if we can post them in better quality.

Please subscribe!
We urge you to subscribe to the new channel and please share it on any other appropriate groups or forums we participate in.

In addition, we hope to use YouTube to bring more visitors to the forum and to the musical and lyrical resources on Weeniepedia.

We hope you enjoy this addition to Weenie Campbell and if you would like to submit anything for consideration to be included on the channel, we’re working on guidelines and submittal instructions and we’ll have more information on that soon!

Excellent, thanks!

I guess I'm unclear on the concept. If this is not a channel to which currently performing WC members can be posted, why are other currently performing bands being promoted by the WC YouTube channel? If the channel is to be used for promotional videos in this way, how do bands or performers qualify for the service?


I think the idea wax, is to come up with a more curated play list as opposed to repeating what has already been posted on the Back Porch - e.g. to come up with something for weenies, not by weenies. Make sense?

edit: However, you bring up a good point.  We need to decide whether to include current performing artists, as it can be problematic.  We'll keep you posted.

What a fine idea (if still at the mercy of a behemoth that is finally receiving the beginnings of appropriate attention from our U.S. Department of Justice - but hey, canned heat is legal for all until it gets a bottle with a label).


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