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Life wasn't hard with Gabe, you just had to drink a lot - Former sig. other, on life with Guitar Gabriel

Results for Tampa Red
Subject Started by Replies Views
"You Don't Know My Mind", Song of When the Spirit Moves YouJohnm142514
A Little RnR Anybody?Bunker Hill12671
Barbecue Bob's "Some Cold Rainy Day" and Leadbelly's "In New Orleans"LeftyStrat105246
Beyond The ImpressionBunker Hill11487
Big Maceo LyricsJohnm668953
Bluesville Years/Fantasy JazzJohnm103404
Dying Mercy - Tampa RedBlueshome6749
Dying Mercy BluesBlueshome4895
Give it Up Buddy - Tampa Redslideaway4969
Jelly Roll Jonesjelly roll31006
Land Of The Blues 1959Bunker Hill03309
Ma Rainey & the String PlayersCF236843
Ma Rainey Lyricsuncle bud6519316
Missing liner notes for Tampa Red Bluebird Recordings '34-'36Doc Brainerd93458
Players of Slide, Vestapol only, on recordingsJohnm176202
Romeo Nelson LyricsJohnm71014
Songs that relate to Pies and Foodbungalow bill163755
SOTM 01AUG2019 Busy and You Can't Come InOld Man Ned91234
Sweet Papa Tadpole LyricsJohnm281946
Tampa RedBunker Hill225151
Tampa Red - newly remastered recordings from 1934-42outfidel81620
Tampa Red and Georgia Tom articleuncle bud72812
Tampa Red LyricsGhostRider7414573
Tampa Red's bottleneck styleJay Bee Rodriguez61619
Tampa Red's depression after wife's death in 1953cjblues0491590
Tampa Red's Guitar Style--Queries and Tips3915331
that bluebird beat!unezrider81935
The Guitar Stylists--F position, standard tuningJohnm9911
The Guitar Stylists--Vestapol TuningJohnm162080
what the oldins might have donecakewalk163844
who was Tampa Kid?cakewalk234883
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