Country Blues > Discographies

Blues Discography 1943-1970

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uncle bud:
A new edition of Blues Discography 1943-1970 is apparently now available:

A legend reborn             

"The Blues Discography 1943-1970 The definitive chronicle of Blues recordings inspired by the trailblazing Blues Records by the late discographer Mike Leadbitter and his partner Neil Slaven which first appeared in 1968 and then in an expanded two-part form, the first volume in 1987 (A to K) and eventually, with the help of Les Fancourt, the second part (L to M) saw the light of day in 1994. Now Les Fancourt in collaboration with Bob McGrath and a flock of collectors and researchers world-wide, has shepherded this new much revised and expanded interpretation into what must now surely be almost complete coverage of the genre's most influential and exciting period. Recording details of all applicable styles from unaccompanied field recordings to the slick big city styles are featured. Over 2320 individual artist discographies including 340 new artists added since Blues Records was last published. The work's format is set in the standard discographical layout, alphabetical by artist, chronologically by session, listing personnel details, unissued titles and original releases, mainly 45 and 78 but where appropriate, selective EP, LP and CD entries?when they are themselves are the original issue. A full cross-referenced accompanying musician's index is also included. The Blues Discography catalogs the Blues' transition from a totally African-American and often localized target group to its eventual international acclaim. 640 pages, 640 pages large format (8.5" X 11")."

$91. Too bad about the price. I'm sure they have their reasons but I don't know if that price can be justified regardless. $16.00 shipping on a 640 page book is also outlandish.

You can download sample pages at:

Bunker Hill:

--- Quote from: uncle bud on October 01, 2006, 10:40:38 AM ---$91. Too bad about the price. I'm sure they have their reasons but I don't know if that price can be justified regardless. $16.00 shipping on a 640 page book is also outlandish.
--- End quote ---
Hey let's put some perspective to this. 1n 1987 volume one (800) pages was 50GBP and in 1995 Vol.2 (808 pages) 75GBP, making a grand total of 115GBP. Admittedly they were hardbacks but even so 11 years later for a revised edition to come out in just one volume for about the same UK price as vol.2 of eleven years ago I think is a bargain. But I'm weird like that...

uncle bud:
Well, point taken on perspective, BH. :) It's a steal compared to the previous volumes.  :D

I still don't really understand the pricing though. Sure academic presses charge quite a bit for their books (although this isn't an academic press). But I think once you go over $75 your client base becomes almost exclusively libraries. What are the costs here that make it so high? Printing is certainly expensive, but there are lots of 640 page paperbacks out there for a lot less than 91 bucks - and this is on 8 1/2 x 11 paper, which seems unusual. There is no doubt an unimaginable amount of labour that goes into a book like this, for which those involved deserve high praise, but there is labour in any large detailed book. And I think charging $16 for shipping and an extra $4 for credit card processing is really pushing it. If you're in business, that's the cost of doing business.

And, as I recall "Rust"  the jazz collectors version of Goodrich Dixon used to be about ?200 if you could get.. i snatched a US site hand's off at about $150  a few years back.

So I fear that is the price, I might get tempted as I have always wanted set a set of this one as well  :-X 

Average computer books are ?30 so this is OK value as I see it... In fact I have just ordered the discography..... :)

uncle bud:
OK, more points taken.  :D  I am obviously just cheap.  :P

I wonder when such projects will go to electronic format, either on CD-ROM or web-based, which frankly makes more sense these days, allows for corrections and updates etc. And is obviously becoming more standard for libraries and what not.


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