Country Blues > Down the Dirt Road
Web concordance of pre-war blues lyrics
Web Concordance of Michael Taft's Pre-War Blues Lyrics
just stumbled across this site & thought it looked interesting...
Wow, that's pretty cool. Now we can easily tell that the word "Mamlish" has been used 6 times in a pre-war blues lyric in 5 different songs: three times by Ed Bell (twice as Sluefoot Joe, both in the song Tooten' Out Blues), twice by Bobby Grant, and once by Kokomo Arnold. Now if I only knew what it meant... :D
Norfolk Slim:
The lyrics bit of lyrics and licks just became almost redundant! ;D
This site suggests the last line of Otis Harris' You'll like My Loving (See lyrics and licks forum and on Back Porch) is actually 'we're hollering lord oh lordy lord" which seems to fit right in. I'll now change how I sing it- so the site has already done me a favour on the first visit!
Great find.
Good lord.... Atom2 -- and you think You are anal rentitive! You are a laid back hound dog in comparison. 20 years spent counting the word "made"? I'm with you dj, I don't understand. :D
Well, it will be interesting to have another source to check lyrics by........
Just a dol' garn minute: (see, I can talk like Slack!).
I just checked out the lyrics to Arthur Pettis "Two Time Blues", and there's some major boo boos. And they didn't even try to? guess the" flowery mind" phrase in "Good Boy Blues".
And the words to Bessie Smith's version of "Nobody Knows When Your Down and Out are incomplete.
Licks and Lyrics is back in!
I was wrong once, but I can't remember when...
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