Country Blues > Books and Articles
The Chicago Blues of Joe and Charlie McCoy
Another book by the prolific blues author Guido Van Rijn:
The Chicago Blues of Joe and Charlie McCoy
Should be an interesting one with a lot of new research on these brothers who played on a lot of recordings and were important for the early blues development.
Blues Vintage:
Very prolific indeed.
I'll ask him one of these days when the 5th Edition of Blues And Gospel Records 1890-1943 will be released.
--- Quote from: Blues Vintage on May 28, 2024, 01:39:45 PM ---Very prolific indeed.
I'll ask him one of these days when the 5th Edition of Blues And Gospel Records 1890-1943 will be released.
--- End quote ---
That would be very interesting to know more of, thanks.
I believe Chris Smith and Howard Rye are working on the 5th Edition of Blues And Gospel Records. I have not hard an eta.
I got an update from Guido that the McCoy Brothers book will not be available before August. I took the plunge for the Leroy Carr, Jazz Gillum, and the "Hot Time Blues: On the Trail of Long-Gone Blues and Gospel Singers" books instead. The first two including CDs. Will be nice Blues Summer reads.
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