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That's what I liked about hitch-hiking. If a crowd wasn't big enough, I kept walkin'- Brownie McGhee

Author Topic: Tommy Johnson's Guitar Style--Queries and Tips  (Read 17888 times)

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Offline CF

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Re: Tommy Johnson's Guitar Style--Queries and Tips
« Reply #30 on: February 03, 2015, 06:39:46 PM »
For Canned Heat in the key & position of D . . .

I don't know what the consensus is nowadays on what Tommy's doing with that D chord but I never liked the sound of a standard D (xx0232). The F# note Tommy slides into to start the song off (on the D string up to the 4th fret) . . . I'm thinking he's staying there making a xx4232 throughout the signature boogie lick (adding the B note on the 4th fret of the G with the pinky) accenting the F# in the chord. The slide from C# to D, focused on the D & G strings (xx4232) sounds right to my ears. Does this make any sense to anyone??

 . . . I should have mentioned the fingering/shape I'm using: flattened first finger on the top 3 strings at the second fret, middle finger getting the D note on the 3rd fret of the B & ring finger getting the F# on the D at the 4th fret
« Last Edit: May 28, 2015, 07:38:11 PM by CF »
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Offline GrasshopperBlues52499

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Tommy Johnson's Intricate Right Hand
« Reply #31 on: February 03, 2017, 06:47:46 AM »
Good morning, forum!

Whenever I've listened to Tommy Johnson's best songs, I've really taken notice of his right picking hand and been in awe of it. To my ears, he really swung (so to speak) simple motifs in his own unique and creative way (obviously, due to his seemingly innate rhythm!). I don't claim to be an expert on Tommy Johnson, or blues guitar in general -- I'm young, inexperienced, and my ear is still developing. I would just like to hear any thoughts, opinions, or advice on playing in the vain of one of the baddest guitarists I've ever heard on record. I can play "Big Road Blues," "Canned Heat," and a WIP of "Lonesome Home Blues" (his variant of "Matchbox Blues"); I'd love to get the authentic feel (of course with my own flavor) of these pieces and others which I may learn down-the-road! :-)
hee hee well child

Online Johnm

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Re: Tommy Johnson's Guitar Style--Queries and Tips
« Reply #32 on: March 19, 2017, 06:52:26 AM »
Hi all,
I merged a recent thread about Tommy Johnson's "intricate right hand" into this thread.  No thread names were changed on the posts.
All best,

Offline tommuck

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Re: Tommy Johnson's Guitar Style--Queries and Tips
« Reply #33 on: April 10, 2024, 10:33:04 AM »
I know this is a very old thread, but I was working on Big Road Blues and was a little curious about the notes and the tuning. I thought it was played in drop-D tuning, but he is also hitting some open strings on the downbeat, between the low octave strings. Most people I've seen play this leave out the chords completely. The open B string is fairly clear, but the other notes not so much. I tuned the G string up to A and it approximates the sound as close as I can get it, but that seems an odd tuning (DADABE). My version is on my Youtube channel @tommuck6226.


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