Country Blues > The Back Porch

Kind Babe Blues by Stumpy Johnson (my first piano song)


Old-Time Igor:
Hello everyone!
I've been playing some piano lately. My friend kindly borrowed one of his digital piano to me a few months ago. I've been trying to learn to read music and some basic music theory from the book: Piano ABC. It's a book for the children (and adults like me!) :)
I've been also trying to learn some piano blues. I've been learning one song by Walter Davis and one by James "Stumpy" Johnson. I don't now if there's many (any?)piano players on the forum, but i'll share my take on Stumpy Johnson anyway. Many mistakes and many "wrong" notes but what the... I love my piano! ( my borrowed piano) :)
Comments are welcome! :)

Cheers from Helsinki, Finland


That was great!  Thanks for this - love the way the left hand drives the song.


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