The Unwound Third > Site Announcements, Tips & Trouble Reports



Hi All,

Occassionally folks want to buy and sell guitars and other items on Weenie Campbell, so I have added a Classifieds section.  "Classifieds" uses an email confirmation and approval system for posting, approving, cancelling and extending For Sale Ads.  This makes administration of a Classified area very easy - which appeals to me - and should make it convenient for advertisers too.  Here's how it works:

Submit an Ad through the "Classified" link on the Main Menu.
A confirmation email is sent to the advertiser for confirmation or cancellation
When confimed, an email is then sent to an adminstrator for approval
When approved, the Ad is published and an email is sent to the Advertiser stating the Ad has been approved and published

The above approval email should be saved and can be used to either cancel  the Ad (if item was sold) or extend the Ad for an additonal run period.  If the Ad is neither cancelled or extended it will expire after 21 days - our current run period.

The Classified component is configured for a variety of categories, including continental location (there are a few folks making sure we are internationally correct), and the uploading of pictures.  The most recent 5 Ads are published on our Front Page right hand column under the heading "Latest Ads".

The confimation process allows "Guests" to post and respond to published Ads and since this is a public website, here is a WeenieCampbell disclaimer:

Our site acts as a venue for sellers to list items available for sale. We are not involved in the actual transaction between buyers and sellers. As a result, we have no control over the quality, safety or legality of the items advertised, the truth or accuracy of the listings, the ability of sellers to sell items or the ability of buyers to buy items. We cannot and do not control whether or not sellers will complete the sale of items they offer. Thanks!

So give it a try and let me know what you think.



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